Grupo operativo
Innovative project that will increase the competitiveness of organic companies (farms and agri-food industries) thanks to the creation of an ICT tool that will facilitate decision-making both for efficient use of irrigation water and water used in …
Grupo operativo
Irrigated agriculture is four times more productive than dry land agriculture. However, its viability is conditioned by the efficient and sustainable use of resources, the most important of which are water and energy. In the case of energy, the pumping …
Grupo operativo
Development of information systems to improve the management of irrigation communities …
Grupo operativo
Active climate control inside greenhouses is an unquestionable factor when it comes to increasing fruit and vegetable production and optimising its commercial supply periods. Given that the current basis for energy supply associated with this climate …
Grupo operativo
Bioeconomy refers to an economy that makes intelligent use of natural resources, and also includes the use of waste and biological processes in sustainable companies. The Andalusian Observatory of Agricultural Bioeconomy is a project whose objective is to …
Grupo operativo
The fruit and vegetable sector is faced with the problem that production has periods of maximum product supply, in which there is only a market for premium-quality fresh produce, and also at a low price due to oversupply. The development of processed …
Grupo operativo
The Operative Group is developing a project that aims to evaluate and determine the different alternatives that allow the circular economy to be put into practice in the agri-food sector by reducing the water, energy and carbon footprint along the entire …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force seeks to better understand the problems of the sector and promote this type of production. To this end, they will consult with technicians and producers to help diagnose the situation more accurately and identify bottlenecks in organic …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force seeks to better understand the problems of the sector and promote this type of production. To this end, they will consult with technicians and producers to help diagnose the situation more accurately and identify bottlenecks in organic …
Grupo operativo
Short marketing channels are proliferating, in which sales are made either directly or through a single intermediary. In these cases, there is a problem with the traceability of the products that are put into circulation, since the existing food quality …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to address a specific problem: the use of colorants in the table olive agri-food sector, integrating agents from the main interested sectors: Agri-food & Research & Administration. The aim is to promote innovation by encouraging the …
Grupo operativo
Spain is the third largest exporter of vinegar worldwide, and sherry vinegar in particular is the main benchmark for the quality of this type of product in Spain. It is currently difficult to control the origin and good practices of sherry vinegar in a …
Grupo operativo
Nowadays, innovation processes in fruit and vegetable production and distribution are increasingly safer, of higher quality and perfectly traceable, with more optimized life cycles, less waste production and more energy efficient. These processes, carried …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force will develop models to: predict olive phenology (flowering, veraison); the oil accumulation curve, not developed to date; and the impact of extreme events (heat and drought) on harvest prediction. By predicting productivity and crop …
Grupo operativo
The Operational Group is focused on solving different problems: Plant health in the dehesa, including drought, decline of the holm oak forest, treatments to be applied. Animal production in the pasture, actions at the level of animal health and other …