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Boosting the business model of pig producers with their own butchery to innovate in a quality management model, improve the value of their products and adapt and promote them to the demand of their customers

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2015
  • Assigned Budget 15.750,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Cataluña
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

Creation of a GO formed by a group of livestock farmers with their own butcher shops located in different parts of the province of Girona. This group considers their product to be of high quality, although this quality is not objectively known or measurable. Sales of the product are satisfactory, but in anticipation of changes in the market they want to improve the quality offered by their clients who value above all that they themselves fatten the animals and the sensory quality of the meat.

The aim is to solve the challenge faced by this group of butchers, who produce the animals and control the entire process, regarding the difficulty of identifying the most important parameters of meat quality and how to establish a control system through objective data that allows them to improve the final quality of their products.

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