Grupo operativo
Development of a mobile structure to avoid phytosanitary treatments against Dryocosmus Kuriphilus in chestnut plantations …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force aims to identify the best tools for combating eucalyptus that are used around the world and plan their adaptation to Galicia, through a strategy that involves all the agents in a coordinated manner to efficiently achieve the prevention and …
Grupo operativo
The aim of this Operational Group is to identify forest genetic material with high constitutive and induced defences and to assess to what extent the expression of defences depends on environmental quality; to prepare pilot GIS maps of sensitivity to …
Grupo operativo
Monitoring of the pest caused by dryocosmus kuriphyllus in Galician chestnut stands: biological control …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group was created with the intention of finding a solution for the use of woody scrub with three objectives: to avoid the risks and environmental damage caused by fires and to ensure that clearing and cleaning work can be a solution to …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group seeks to develop a GIS-based computer tool that allows the location of chestnut plots, perfectly georeferenced and identified and classified by the variety of chestnut present in them. In this way, during the fruit harvesting …
Grupo operativo
The purpose of this Operational Group is to reach the world of chestnut-populated lands with knowledge, science and technology, which will allow us to face current problems, and meet the challenge of propagating resistant plants, innovating in products …
Grupo operativo
The Operative Group proposes the joint management of two types of organic waste, those from extensive poultry farms and, on the other hand, the plant remains generated in horticultural and forestry farms in the A Limia area, through ecological innovation, …
Grupo operativo
Optimizing organic apple production for cider …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group seeks to develop a project that involves the cultivation of fruit trees and vegetables using an organic production system using a keep-in-touch netting system combined with an irrigation system powered by solar panels. This system …
Grupo operativo
This Operating Group pursues the development and implementation of two novel plant reproduction systems based on intermittent contact of the liquid culture medium with the explants for a short period of time and the subsequent renewal of the gaseous …
Grupo operativo
GOI BIOMONTE. Innovation operational group in the management of forest biomass …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to promote low-carbon agriculture among primary producers and companies committed to the environment, such as the entities belonging to CRAEGA. More sustainable production systems are designed that minimise the environmental impact …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force will devise a way to implement an innovative product to improve the nutrition of farmed snails by introducing a viable probiotic into a marketable feed. … Task Force for the implementation of probiotics to improve the nutrition of farmed …
Grupo operativo
Task Force for the definition of strategies for the reduction of microbial contamination in meat products …