Implementation of a new natural product to prevent acariosis in environmentally friendly snail farms
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2016
- Assigned Budget 1.597.786,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Cataluña
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The Operative Group is developing a project that proposes the implementation of a natural product that, added to the feeds existing on the market, can prevent acariosis in snails and that facilitates its use and with a minimum cost since there is currently no treatment to prevent the parasitism of snails by a mite that affects them exclusively (Riccardoella limacum).
This mite naturally coexists as a parasite with the snail in its environment, but due to the specific conditions of snail farms, the proliferation of this mite produces low yields and even mortality in farms, because the mite weakens the animal by colonizing it.
To implement this product, different field tests will have to be carried out and their results evaluated, as well as the health status of the snails both at the beginning of the tests and at the end, in order to have real and contrasted information.