Increase in organic cereal production for the manufacture of feed in Catalonia
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2015
- Assigned Budget 18.200,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Cataluña
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
Operational Group created to design a strategy to promote the production of extensive cereals for the production of organic feed in Catalonia. In recent years there has been a growing interest in the organic production of monogastric animals (poultry, pigs, etc.). This has led to Catalan feed factories producing 71.3% of the total feed manufactured in the entire state (Magrama 2013).
However, there is a low production of the main raw materials for the manufacture of organic feed, which leads to very significant imports from outside the state in the case of corn (mainly from Romania, Italy and France) and in the case of winter cereal from other autonomous communities.
In order to fully understand this starting point and dissect all the details, the current data of the sector have been studied, the statistics of organic agricultural production of the last 15 years, the sector has been diagnosed thanks to the main actors involved, feed producers and farmers, thus seeking a true picture.