GOI BIOMONTE. Innovation operational group in the management of forest biomass
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2016
- Assigned Budget 59.684,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
This Operational Group pursues two objectives:
- The production of chips from residual forest biomass and the production of compost and other substrates from the use of biomass in the form of scrub.
- Help from plant waste from pruning and caring for urban gardens, thus reducing the biomass abandoned in the forest, reducing the risk of fire, reducing CO2 emissions and other emissions that contribute to climate change, by replacing polluting energy with renewable energy; higher incomes and greater self-dependence of forest owners who participate as suppliers of raw materials, more jobs at regional level with greater population settlement in rural areas and revitalization of the local economy and production of organic fertilizers favoring the fight against erosion and loss of soil fertility.
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