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Grupo operativo
The Task Force created (made up of the main canning company, one of the main agricultural cooperatives in Catalonia and the research group specialising in improving quality beans) aims to draft a pilot project to detect the main factors determining the …
Grupo operativo
Creation of a GO formed by a group of livestock farmers with their own butcher shops located in different parts of the province of Girona. This group considers their product to be of high quality, although this quality is not objectively known or …
Grupo operativo
Strategies for improving small-scale poultry farms and marketing their products in local circuits …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force is seeking to characterise the Couto pepper from an agronomic point of view, so that by modifying aspects relating to fertilisation and irrigation, the levels of antioxidants present can be modified and this can increase their shelf life …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group seeks the development and implementation of a sustainable program to improve the competitiveness of agricultural and livestock farms, acting on agronomic, zootechnical and effluent management such as fertilizers. The aim is to …
Grupo operativo
Design of a methodology for the management of the communal forest of Xalo, considering the environmental services OF …
Grupo operativo
Precision agriculture: professionalization of natural pollination in greenhouse production in Galicia …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force seeks to develop an APP (application) for mobile devices that allows access to information related to the communal forest communities of Galicia. This app will show geolocated data of the communities, of the tangible and intangible …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force was created to study the ecology and biology of the main weeds in container crops in Galicia in order to develop different combat techniques to the detriment of the traditional application of herbicides. Combative techniques will include …
Grupo operativo
Improving the quality of fruit vegetables by promoting traditional genetic varieties in more sustainable production systems …
Grupo operativo
Tea cultivation operational group in Galicia …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group aims to automate and heat a greenhouse using photovoltaic geothermal energy at zero energy cost. In this way, the harvest will be produced throughout the year and will ensure its economic viability. This entire process will be …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group seeks to establish the means and measures to be able to: Census and catalogue abandoned chestnut trees in the municipality of Riós; locate the owners who have abandoned them. Manage the recovery and production of these trees; take …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to create different types of alternative and innovative substrates, in which peat will be replaced by gorse, obtained by different manufacturing processes, to give it the texture and granulometry necessary for each type of plant. To …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force seeks to structure an autonomous and self-sustaining robot that will patrol within the programmed limits. It will emit signals that will attract mice to its interior, where it will be supplied with a concentrated ozone atmosphere for a …