Development of a digital environment and living laboratories to valorise plant genetic resources of agricultural interest
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status In progress
- Execution 2022 -2024
- Assigned Budget 594.138,18 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Castilla - La Mancha; Comunitat Valenciana; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
Establish a dynamic network composed of an APP and 3 Living Labs (pilot projects) that facilitates and promotes the use of plant genetic resources for the entire agri-food sector, so that knowledge and needs are exchanged through collaboration in obtaining quality, sustainable and profitable products.
- Implement an information transfer system based on the network of collections of the National Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Agriculture and Food, with new pre-improvement and improvement materials and with information from research.
- Develop a dynamic professional social network that connects farmers, associations and entrepreneurs with researchers (breeders, conservationists, biotechnologists, etc.) and receives feedback from all the information generated by users.
- Develop living labs/pilot experiences that demonstrate to farmers, the agri-food sector and society in general the importance of using biodiversity to obtain quality, sustainable and profitable crops and products.
- Facilitate access to plant genetic resources and improved varieties for farmers, associations and companies and promote greater involvement of farmers, associations and companies in FitoNet.
- Incorporation of useful information for the use of materials for farmers through an information system that collects their characteristics, farmers' knowledge, evaluation results, crop performance and data collected in the Collection Network Inventory.
- Development and distribution of a user-friendly and dynamic app that connects farmers, associations and entrepreneurs with researchers and that receives feedback from all the information generated by users.
- Selection of the most suitable varieties of corn, rye and spelt for cultivation and study of hypoallergenic wheat varieties with very low capacity to induce allergies and intolerances.
- Agronomic and immunogenetic characteristics will be analyzed and crop problems will be incorporated into FitoNet by farmers, using the app.
- Farmers and agri-food processors who are not part of the operating group will be incorporated into the dynamic and open network thanks to the dissemination of the app and pilot experiences.
Contact information
- Fundación CELLBITEC
- Asociación para el fomento de la I+D en genómica vegetal (INVEGEN)
- Bullsfot Solutions SL
- Unión de pequeños agricultores y ganaderos (UPA)
- Grupo da Cunha
- Panadería palmeña S.L
- Fundación CELLBITEC
- Asociación para el fomento de la I+D en genómica vegetal (INVEGEN)
- Bullsfot Solutions SL
- Unión de pequeños agricultores y ganaderos (UPA)
- Grupo da Cunha
- Panadería palmeña S.L
- Fundación Cajamar de la Comunitat Valenciana (CAJAMAR)
- Agrosa semillas selectas SA