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Documentary, graphic and/or audiovisual knowledge objects are offered here, offering information on various sectors and topics. Use the keyword search or search filters to access current audiovisual and documentary knowledge objects useful for your implementation.
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National programme for official control of organic production
National programme for official control of organic production.
Diagnosis of the table olive sector in Spain
Diagnosis of the table olive sector in Spain.
Olive sector sheet
Sectoral factsheet for the olive sector.
Sectoral information on viticulture
Sectoral information sheet for viticulture.
Citrus: Analysis of the production reality 2021
Analysis of the productive reality of different citrus fruits.
Nuts: Analysis of the production reality 2021
Complete analysis by citrus.
Stone Fruit: Analysis of the production reality 2021
Analysis of the productive reality of different stone fruit trees.
Agricultural/Tobacco Production Sector Sheet
Tobacco sector factsheet.
Sectoral sheet for agricultural production/cotton
Cotton sector sheet.
Agricultural production sector sheet/sugar beet
Sugar beet sector factsheet.
Agricultural production sector sheet/rice
Rice sector sheet.
Sectoral sheet for agricultural/cereal production
The COP sector sheet covers the cereal sectors, except rice, oilseeds and grain legumes, which include protein crops (dried peas, dried beans and sweet lupine).
GO VITINNAT. Innovative and sustainable natural solutions for the wine sector.
Implementation of effective natural solutions for the control of vine wood diseases in their effect on crop health and productivity as well as on the quality of the grape and the resulting wine.
VITICAST Operational Group: Innovative solutions for predicting fungal diseases in grapevines
Innovative solutions (warning tools) for the prediction of fungal diseases in the vineyard for the optimization of production and the sustainable development of grape growing.
Project for the identification, enhancement and international marketing of minority grape varieties (VINGO)
Innovative solutions to develop viticultural management models aimed at promoting and giving visibility to minority grape varieties.
Use of technologies to assess the health, well-being and productivity of livestock (VIGIASAN)
Development and implementation of technologies and innovations in surveillance in pigs and cattle (extrapolable to other species) to monitor changes in different parameters for the control of diseases in livestock.
Smart system for diagnosing carbon footprint and mitigating climate change in the wine sector (VID-EXPERT)
Facilitate interoperability and intelligent carbon footprint diagnosis between farmers and wineries to contribute to mitigating climate change in the wine sector.
GO Varroaform. Development of an effective formulation for the control and prevention of varroatosis in domestic bees (Apis melifera).
Development and obtaining of an alternative formulation to conventional pesticides from time-controlled release formulations based on natural products with anti-varroa activity.
GO VACUSOS, Increasing the economic sustainability of cattle fattening on extensive farms with suckler cows.
Increasing the economic sustainability of extensive cattle fattening on extensive suckler cow farms.
Holistic solution for monitoring and improving chickpea cultivation through the combined use of sensors and remote sensing (TECONOGAR)
Promoting chickpea cultivation in Spain by providing solutions to the main problems (diseases, weeds) through the use of monitoring technologies, biostimulants and comparing the performance of registered varieties.