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Definition and characterization of extensivity in livestock farms in Spain
Study that offers a synthetic approach to the situation of extensive livestock farming in Spain, focusing mainly on the sheep and goat sectors, although also addressing some general issues applicable to any type of grass-based livestock farming.
Sheep, goat and other meat-producing hebivores sector sheet
Sectoral factsheet for the sheep, goat and other meat-producing herbivores sector.
The bovine carcass grading system. Legislative basis and practical manual
The manual is the result of a complex review work carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food together with the Interprofessional Association of Beef (PROVACUNO), in close and essential collaboration with the National Committee of Experts in Classification of Channels and Prices regarding classification procedures, as well as with the company Applus+España regarding metrology
Analysis of the internal and external production conditions of the beef sector in Spain. Current situation and expected evolution
The aim of the study is to draw up a definition as complete as possible of the current characteristics of the entire beef sector in Spain to use as a starting point for formulating policies, with proposals and solutions that will allow for the creation of a solid future for the entire sector and seek a presence of our products in the community and international markets.
Characterization of the classification of beef carcasses in Spain
Report analysing the current characteristics of beef carcasses in Spain, taking into account their category, conformation, fattening and commercial type, determining the specific situation in the national and regional framework.
Beef cattle sector sheet
Sectoral factsheet for the beef cattle sector.
National program for the control of veterinary drug and other substance residues (PNIR) in primary production
The purpose of the Program is to carry out official controls in primary production for research on live animals and certain productions for the presence of residues of veterinary medicines and unauthorized or prohibited substances or certain contaminants.
National program for official control of the distribution, prescription and dispensing of veterinary medicines
The objective of the Program is to control veterinary medicines from their distribution by wholesale distributors and contract warehouses, to their prescription and/or eventual administration by private veterinarians and their dispensing or sale.
Dairy Producer Organizations. Report 2023
Report with data on dairy producer organisations recognised in Spain (updated to 01/04/2022).
The Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 in the dairy sector
Information document that provides a summary of the support that the dairy sector receives through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Characterization of the Spanish dairy cattle sector
Document that characterizes the dairy cattle sector in Spain.
The dairy cattle sector in Spain
Document that provides a general overview of the dairy cattle sector in Spain.
Dairy cattle sector sheet
Sectoral factsheet for the dairy cattle sector.
Guide to euthanasia of animals on pig farms
Document that responds to the commitment established in said agreement to develop a standardized work procedure for the slaughter of pigs on farms that includes a review of the reasons that make it advisable to practice euthanasia on animals; management strategies to reduce the need for said practice; systems for stunning and slaughtering pigs on farms and recommendations to producers on said m
Document on the management of pig farms to prevent tail biting
Document on the management of pig farms to prevent tail biting.
UNE 66500:2017 standard
Standard of minimum requirements for the certification of inputs usable in organic production according to UNE 14250 and UNE 315500 Standards.
UNE 315500:2017 standard
Standard for inputs used in organic plant production. Products for pest and disease management.
UNE 142500:2017 standard
Standard for inputs that can be used in organic plant production: fertilizers, amendments and growing substrates.
Identification of policies to support the development of organic production in the Spanish dairy sector
Document that characterizes and assesses the situation of Spanish organic dairy production.
Report on the results of the MAPA official control programs
Report on the results of the official control programmes of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA).