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Documentary, graphic and/or audiovisual knowledge objects are offered here, offering information on various sectors and topics. Use the keyword search or search filters to access current audiovisual and documentary knowledge objects useful for your implementation.

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Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector (REBO2VINO)

To analyse the feasibility of implementing a glass bottle reuse system in the wine industry at a national level as a sectoral contribution to the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy.

New scenarios for stable coexistence between agricultural practices and renewable energy production (AGROVOLTAICS)

Preserve, restore and improve the agricultural use of soils in “solar farms” so that photovoltaic installations do not displace agricultural and livestock farms while improving their energy efficiency.

Development of high-quality food proteins through sustainable production and processing of legume crops (PROTEINLEG)

Recovery and enhancement of traditional legume crop varieties to increase crop diversification and obtain grains/seeds with optimum quality and development of new product ranges.

Overabundance: Innovation in biosecurity and wild boar control to prevent African swine fever (PREVPA)

Overabundance and innovation in biosecurity and wild boar control to prevent African swine fever.

Operational Group for the Prevention of Damage to Agriculture Caused by Rabbits in CLM and Extremadura (PREVECO)

Improving the productivity of agricultural farms by reducing economic losses caused by damage caused by rabbit populations. Implementation of measures to prevent damage to different crops and analysis of their effectiveness.

Eco-efficient systems with differentiated quality: promoting the sustainability of bullfighting (GO TAURO)

Increasing the added value of meat from fighting cattle based on the environmental, economic and social sustainability of its production in rural environments.

Improving the productivity and sustainability of underground drip irrigation systems that use oil mill waste as fertilizer through the use of nanobubbles (SUBALMA)

Techniques used to improve the efficiency and quality of oil production, reuse of by-products from the oil mill, and promote a circular bioeconomy in the sector through state-of-the-art precision irrigation techniques.

Innovative platform for bee care (PICA)

Affordable hive monitoring system and complement it with a content platform that helps reduce health, environmental and economic risks in beekeeping.

GO SOSTVAN, Technological strategies for improving the sustainability of the suckler cow livestock sector.

Improving the added value of extensive beef through environmental labelling and marketing on a blockchain platform.

Moving towards a digital model for zero waste in the agri-food sector (PDAPP)

Reducing food loss and waste in the fruit and vegetable sector through the development and validation of new services supported by digital tools.

Wool selection and classification to improve the competitiveness of small sheep farms (SEBASTIANA)

Implementation of innovative measures to improve and standardise the quality of wool, allowing for its revaluation and easier classification by quality, giving the farmer negotiating power over third parties, shortening the marketing channels for wool, reducing the carbon footprint and attracting young rural people and wool artisans attracted by the local industry.

Modernization of Sunflower Cultivation in Spain through the application of precision agriculture techniques and decision-making tools (OLEOPRECISION)

Increase productivity, profitability, sustainability and adaptation to climate change in sunflower cultivation by developing a predictive model incorporated into an intuitive and freely accessible decision-making APP.

Olive Health Operational Group - Development of innovative strategies for the control of endemic and emerging diseases in olive trees in Spain

Development of innovative strategies for the control of endemic and emerging diseases in olive trees to improve the economic results and sustainability of olive farms and derived industries.

Development and implementation of a Forest Management Support System in RED-SAGEFER

Design, development and implementation of a network of territorial implementation software systems that allows the promotion and enhancement of forest territory at municipal level in Spain with the mobilization of all agents in the sector.

Reduction of antibiotics in livestock farming through a natural diet based on the use of fungi and algae (MICOALGA-FEED)

Development of new feeds enriched with fungi and algae with antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory capacity.

Improvement of Animal Health Collection and Alert Systems (MESRASA)

Creation of a Veterinary Syndromic Surveillance Platform that provides information on the health status of the Spanish livestock population almost in real time.

GO Quality Hops. Innovations in hop cultivation in Spain to improve the sustainability of the

Innovations in hop cultivation in Spain, incorporating improvements in processes, technologies and sustainable management of water resources, fertilizers and pest control, promoting the organization and profitability of agricultural farms.

Generating Opportunities: Innovative Crop Systems Based on Grain Legumes (LEGSAPIENS)

Increase the production of grain legumes in Spain through the implementation, transfer and dissemination of innovative cultivation systems and techniques that allow for increased profitability of farms.

Prominifun. “Innovative management models for improving productivity in smallholding areas”

The change in population and land use in rural forest areas has led to the abandonment of potentially productive areas, which requires the design of new management models and proposals for their revaluation.

Plan to eradicate bitter almonds in Spain

Eradication of bitter almond from marketing channels by implementing actions from production to industry and involving all links in the supply chain and all administrations.