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Innovative techniques for the reduction of antibiotics in rabbit farming (TIRAC)
Application of innovative techniques in the field of nutrition to reduce the use of antibiotics to combat digestive problems in fattening rabbits, ensuring their health and profitability for the farmer.
SMARTOM operational group. Project to create an integrated management platform for the cultivation of industrial tomatoes
Improving the management of industrial tomato crops for sustainable management of key processes such as fertilization, health and irrigation by creating a platform that integrates different technologies.
INNOVATIVE PROJECT ON "ETICS design to optimize the post-harvest and distribution chain of fruits" (TICS4FRUIT)
4.0 management of the entire fruit value chain from harvesting to the point of sale through digitalization and the application of ICTs in order to maintain initial quality and reduce losses.
SIEGA OPERATIONAL GROUP. Geographic Information System to help with the management of extensive livestock farming
Design and implementation of a tool (GIS) to support decision-making for the management of extensive livestock farming and pasture management, combining monitoring of pastures with remote sensing and livestock with GPS.
Entrefino Lambskin Quality Project. Improving the quality of the skin of the Spanish Entrefino lamb. Study of the causes of the decline in the quality of the skins of the Entrefino lamb and solutions applied to reverse it (SELAMBQ)
Improving the quality of the skin of Spanish entrefino lambs to increase their value.
Agronomic generation of new SUPERFOODS bio-enriched on farm. Application of biotechnological solution microalgae-microorganism consortia (SUPERFOOD BIOTECH)
Proposal to increase mineralization, promote soil-plant microbiome symbiosis and enrich agricultural soils with organic matter in a sustainable, continuous and complete way with all the necessary nutrients.
RETA Operational Group: Network of Agricultural Test Spaces
Creation, articulation and dynamization of a Network of Agricultural Test Spaces with the aim of participating in public-private social innovation strategies to support the incorporation of new agents in the agricultural sector.
Digital platform for the comparative evaluation of the level of antibiotic consumption in pig farms (REDAPORC)
Reducing the use of antibiotics on pig farms and companies by developing a digital platform to compare consumption based on health risks and biosecurity.
Predicting the optimal harvesting time through integrated thermal crop management (RECOLECTA PROJECT)
Development of an intelligent and autonomous agricultural management system that determines the optimal harvest date for each crop, improving the competitiveness of primary producers in the food chain.
GO OVINNOVA. "An innovative business model for transhumance, an ancient and necessary practice."
Design of a business model for the provision of livestock services to improve the competitiveness of transhumant grazing, essential for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable management of the “pasture” resource.
Study of the efficacy of innovative biostimulants derived from microalgae to combat the adverse effects of climate change in tomato and wheat (MICROCLIMATT)
Efficacy of microalgae biostimulants through demonstrative trials (phenotypic, physiological and transcriptomic) in the fight against the effects of climate change in wheat and tomato.
SENSOLIVE OIL: Instrumental analysis complementing the test panel.
Improve the competitiveness of producers by supporting quality control systems complementing the "Test Panel" method in VIRGIN OLIVE OIL through instrumental technologies supported by globalized management and networking.
Operational Group for innovations to improve the environmental and economic sustainability of wheat production in Spain (INNOVATRIGO)
Initiative that aims to improve the sustainability of wheat production through the members of its chain by promoting environmental quality labels that provide greater added value when growing wheat with GAPs.
Application of soil health and quality indicators for sustainable and efficient management of sunflowers in Aragon, Castile Leon, Castile La Mancha, Extremadura and Andalusia (SALUDGIRASOL)
To make sunflower cultivation profitable from a productive, sustainable and ecosystem-based perspective. A set of parameters is provided that can identify the quality and health of soils that support sunflower cultivation.
IBERCHAIN OPERATIVE GROUP for the implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat labeled as 100% native breed of Iberian
Increase the economic sustainability of extensive livestock farms dedicated to the production of meat labelled under the 100% Iberian Native Breed seal.
Valorization of traditional materials for the vinification of quality wines (GOVALMAVIN)
Objective development and enhancement of new, distinctive Spanish wines through alternative production and ageing methods using traditional clay jars and newly designed technologies.
Optimization of the use of phytosanitary products in viticulture based on vigor maps (GOPHYTOVID)
To demonstratively and realistically minimise the use of chemical pesticides in viticulture and evaluate the practical application of bioprotective alternatives in Spanish vineyards.
Management 4.0 of the Beef Cattle Sector: collaborative platform for advanced management to improve the profitability of livestock farms through their digital transformation (GESVAC 4.00)
Development of a collaborative platform at a national level through the effective and automatic digitalisation of processes and information from the beef sector that allows for the analysis of profitability and sustainability.
Implementation of reproductive solutions to increase the economic sustainability of dairy sheep farms (reprovi)
Knowledge developed by research centres to be applied to improve the comprehensive AI process in extensive dairy sheep from the preparation of semen doses to their application.
Reducing the energy cost of irrigation in sugar beet through energy efficiency and reduced water consumption (EFFIREM+)
Promote among farmers the adoption of innovative measures to save on energy bills for irrigation and water consumption to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of the sugar beet sector after its disappearance.