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Documentary, graphic and/or audiovisual knowledge objects are offered here, offering information on various sectors and topics. Use the keyword search or search filters to access current audiovisual and documentary knowledge objects useful for your implementation.
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Household Food Waste Report 2022
Household Food Waste Report 2022.
Catalogue of national and international initiatives on food waste
Catalogue showing some examples of national and international initiatives that fight against food waste by trying to improve efficiency at different stages of the supply chain.
Final report of the More Food, Less Waste Strategy
Final report covering the actions of the last period of the 2017-2020 Strategy.
Food waste report in Spain 2021
Document with data on food waste in Spain.
Guide for requesting an extension of the standard
Document that guides the preparation of the annual report and the submission of documentation to the registry of interprofessional agri-food organizations.
Guide for preparing the annual report and submitting documentation to the registry of interprofessional agri-food organizations
Document that guides the preparation of the annual report and the submission of documentation to the registry of interprofessional agri-food organizations.
Guide for the application for recognition as an interprofessional agri-food organization
Document that guides the process by which recognition as an interprofessional agri-food organization is requested.
Model of the integrated management system for poultry farms
Document explaining the model of the comprehensive management system for pig farms.
Comprehensive Livestock Farming System Model (SIGE) - Bovine Sector
Comprehensive management system model for pig farms
Document explaining the model of the comprehensive management system for pig farms.
National programme of measures to support beekeeping. Spain 2020-2022
National programme of measures to support beekeeping. Spain 2020-2022.
The Spanish beekeeping sector in 2022. Main economic figures and indicators
Document with economic indicators of the beekeeping sector in Spain.
Characterization of the rabbit sector in Spain
Document that characterizes the rabbit sector in Spain.
Sectoral information sheet for rabbit farming
Sectoral factsheet for the rabbit sector.
Poultry sector sheet
Sectoral factsheet for the poultry sector.
Characterization of the laying poultry sector in Spain
Document that offers a general overview of laying poultry farming in Spain.
The Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 in the sheep and goat sectors
Information document that provides a summary of the support received by the sheep and goat sectors through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Analysis of the productive structure of the dairy sheep sector in Spain 2017-2021
The aim of this study is to characterise the productive structure of the dairy sheep sector in Spain.
Analysis of the productive structure of the dairy goat sector in Spain 2017-2021
The objective of the study is to characterize the productive structure of the dairy goat sector in Spain.
Dairy sheep and goat sector sheet
Sectoral factsheet for the dairy sheep and goat sector.