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Agrifocus: sustainability is not a utopia, it is a necessary obligation
Special issue on sustainability.
AEI-Agri infographic
Infographic by AEI-Agri.
Diagnosis of gender equality in rural areas 2021
The document is an update of the Diagnosis of Gender Equality in Rural Areas to find out how the lives of women and men in rural areas have evolved over the last decade and what they are like today, in order to reveal possible inequalities between the sexes.
FAO: Strengthening the sustainable food system through geographical indications (2018) (Executive summary in Spanish)
The study aims to demonstrate empirical evidence on the economic impacts generated through the GI process, starting with the official recognition of a GI and the steps that follow. It focuses on the food sector and reviews nine cases, offering a variety of national contexts and local value chains.
Evaluation of Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed in the European Union (Dec-2021) (Executive summary in Spanish)
The document presents the results of the evaluation by the European Union Commission of the quality policy on Geographical Indications (GIs) and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSGs) protected in the EU.
Mountain food production in Spain
First approximation of the productive potential of mountain foods, which includes the opinion of groups of producers who are likely to benefit from a differentiation, through the use of the optional term "mountain product".
Spanish legumes with a guarantee of quality and origin recognized by the European Union
Document describing Spanish legumes with DOP and IGP and cooking recipes.
Study of economic and social sustainability of Spanish wine-related DDOOs
The report identifies and provides DDOOs (Denominations of Origin) with a practical approach to understand, measure and report the degree of progress achieved by both the regulatory councils and the group of operators registered in their designations of origin in terms of economic and social sustainability.
List of protected geographical indications for spirits in the European Union (Jun-2024)
List of protected geographical indications for spirits in the European Union.
List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for wines registered in the European Union (Jun-2024)
List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for wines registered in the European Union.
List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for agri-food products and aromatized wines registered in the European Union (Jun-2024)
List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for agri-food products and aromatized wines registered in the European Union.
National programme for official control of differentiated quality linked to a geographical origin and traditional specialities guaranteed before their commercialisation
National programme for official quality control linked to geographical origin and traditional specialities guaranteed before marketing.
National programme for official control of food quality
National program for official control of food quality.
Annual report on control actions for 2022 of the National Program for Official Control of Food Quality
Annual report on food quality actions.
Program for the comprehensive sustainability of the agri-food industry. Sustainability assessment tools. Current situation
Analysis of 93 comprehensive sustainability assessment methodologies for the food industry, actions and conclusions.
Annual report of the Spanish food industry period 2022-2023
Annual report of the Spanish food industry period 2022-2023.
Support programme for the Spanish wine sector. Application of the investment measure. General evaluation report for the 2023 financial year
General evaluation report on payments made in the 2023 FEAGA financial year for operations (annual and biannual) approved in the third, fourth and fifth calls for tailored investment aid of the PASVE 2019-2023.
Report on the actions of the food chain observatory
Report on the actions of the food chain observatory.
Short marketing channels in the agri-food sector
Short marketing channels in the agri-food sector.
Study of the value chain of extra virgin olive oil for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 campaigns
Study on the value chain of extra virgin olive oil.