Grupo operativo
The proposal of this Operational Group is the creation of a computer tool that provides advice to irrigators and companies in the management of irrigation and fertilizers. This tool will allow the integration and application of all the technical and …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to establish an efficient rearing programme on dairy cattle farms, based on the establishment of new selection indices through genetic optimisation of the herd and early monitoring of heifers by incorporating innovative ultrasound …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force aims to define the technology or combination of technologies at a demonstration level, which are energy efficient and economically viable for the elimination of PPCPs from wastewater, allowing for safe reuse applied to agricultural …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force aims to create a framework for the efficient and profitable implementation of photovoltaic energy in the agri-food sector. The viability of self-consumption installations in different types of agri-food companies is being tested. The aim is …
Grupo operativo
Modernization of oilseed cultivation in Spain …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Valor Network animated by PIAP in strategic cooperation with the national and regional administration, sectoral organizations and leading technology providers dedicated to the implementation of automation and robotics of the technological processes of …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
The Challenge for the Agri-Food Sector is to Feed the Growing World Population, which will consist of 10 billion people by 2050. THIS WILL REQUIRE UNIME AUNUMO IN FOOD PROCUREMENT. Agriculture is NOW responsible for 70% of water consumption, 24% of …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Space in which companies can experiment with technology before investing in it and participate in complementary demonstration activities and alternative services that contribute to success in their digitalization process. … Asturias Digital Innovation …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Platform for disseminating news, projects, audios, podcasts, videos and thematic networks on forestry, agriculture, livestock, society, economy and environment … EU - …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Hub that puts the latest digital and creative technologies at the service of the local administration, training, internationalization, commerce, services and industry sectors Objective: … Digital Innovation Hub for the Galician Agrifood Sector (Part of …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Network of Agri-Food Research and Technology Institutes in Andalusia. … DELICIOUS …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Hub aimed at disseminating the activities, projects, networks, regulations and value and innovation proposal of the wine sector to bring closer, accelerate and facilitate the digital transformation in the wine industry … National Digitalization and Wine …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Collect cutting-edge knowledge ready to be put into practice by "end users" but not yet implemented well. Establish and maintain a knowledge sharing/qualification environment between farmers, business actors, researchers and advisors as a common ground to …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
The skin will explore, analyze and classify at least 100 SFSC good practices in Europe. These will be systematized, processed into highly usable formats and made accessible to interested parties via the web and through the configuration of regional nodes, …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Recognizing the role of farmers as innovators, Bovine will build on the reservoir of knowledge that exists at the farm level across the four key related themes of: Socio-economic resilience, animal health; Wellbeing, production efficiency & and meat …