Grupo operativo
The Task Force promotes the use of innovative natural products, such as calcium-based products with ingredients used for food, elicitors or melatonin, seeking to reduce the incidence and severity of physiopathies in cherries (cracking, pitting and …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group promotes the assessment, implementation and promotion of technological improvements that favour the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the operation of facilities and the subsequent use of slurry for organic fertilisation in …
Grupo operativo
FAO maintains that eating insects is beneficial for health due to their nutritional value. They are also an alternative for the production of animal feed. The estimated increase in population over the next 50 years and climate change are two of the major …
Grupo operativo
Integrating apple production and processing industry …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force aims to establish guidelines for achieving a valued and profitable product for existing farmers and the professionalization of the palm sector. The aim is to update a traditional sector, bringing the crop closer to the consumer in order to …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force seeks to create a base and structure for the marketing and internationalisation of genetic material from pure Spanish breeds, analysing the current situation and developing a strategic plan for export. The aim is to carry out a strategic …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to improve agricultural production, both in terms of product quality and farm management, by developing an environmentally sustainable production model through the use of new biobased and biodegradable materials in different cultural …
Grupo operativo
In rural areas, many high-value agricultural systems are in danger. Orchards, fruit trees, vineyards and chestnut groves are now thickets of unknown owners. … Organizational innovation in ownership to transform abandonment into …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to improve the economic profitability of livestock farms, with the consequent increase in the competitiveness of extensive beef cattle production systems. … Economic improvement in livestock farms with native breeds of suckler …
Grupo operativo
The aim of this Task Force is to implement a methodology to differentiate between a meat product and a meat preparation and to look for markers to assess the quality and exudation of the meat. The following activities are carried out: %salto%-Formation of …
Grupo operativo
Mechanization for productive, sustainable and integrated resin extraction in the multifunctional use of the forest …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to create a thematic network to improve the exchange of knowledge between farmers, agricultural advisors (NGOs) and scientists, to increase the quality and productivity of crops (organic and non-organic) in various areas of Spain, …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force aims to develop strategies for using whey for human consumption, producing new products without the need for large investments, eliminating environmental problems and generating new sources of income. Cheese whey can be the main ingredient, …
Grupo operativo
Sustainable papaya production in areas with a subtropical-Mediterranean climate …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to develop a software tool for recording data during the application of slurry, which will allow the recording, storage and georeferencing of all data relating to the application of said slurry. Its influence and use by crops will be …