Camidecol - Innovation project for the characterization of honey and defense of the apiary
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2019
- Assigned Budget 0,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Asturias, Principado de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The general objective of the project is the comprehensive improvement of the sector from primary production to the final sale of a differentiated quality product (this general objective is framed within the lines of action of the PCTI and the Asturias RIS3 strategy) this is supported by two specific objectives:
- Obtaining prototypes for complete monitoring of the apiary and transmission and analysis of data leading to other objectives:
- Determine strategies to limit production losses.
- Evaluate new actions to combat invasive species.
- Obtaining a descriptive organoleptic profile of the different Asturian honeys, which will lead to an adequate characterization for their increased commercial value.
To this end, other specific objectives are established:
- Development of a honey tasting panel for the sensory evaluation of honey from Asturias.
- Search for innovative technologies that determine the characterization of different honeys through the interrelation of their characteristics and attributes.
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