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Ecosistema de herramientas para el fortalecimiento y consolidación de Food Hubs Sostenibles (FHS) mediante Innovaciónes multiacción para el canal

Ecosystem of tools for strengthening and consolidating Sustainable Food Hubs (FHS) through multi-action innovations for the channel

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Status In progress
  • Execution 2022 -2025
  • Assigned Budget 395.340,37 €
  • Scope Supraautonómico
  • Autonomous community Andalucía; Aragón; Canarias; Castilla y León; Comunitat Valenciana; Madrid, Comunidad de; Navarra, Comunidad Foral de
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
  • Project website

Sustainable Food Hubs (FHS) are groups of small agri-food companies that come together to optimize, through cooperation, the efficiency of their commercial channels and distribution routes.

In this way, they make the objective of these companies viable: direct or short-channel sales. This project will work to improve, through commercial and logistical innovations with a Territorialized Food System (SAT) approach, the capacity of 8 FHS in 7 autonomous communities. These improvements will be systematized together with other practice-based learning that has been accumulated in GIASAT since 2019. The final result of the systematization will be a digitalized ecosystem of tools to promote FHS, disseminated and transferred to the family agriculture and livestock subsector, as a subsector with the potential to move towards the marketing models proposed by SATs. SATs respond to the main challenges of our food and demographic system and FHS are the tool to make them possible. Proof of this is that by grouping in FHS, small agri-food producers can satisfy 5 of the 6 benefits for farmers of the EU Green Deal.

  • Strengthen 9 FHS and 308 companies in the primary sector through the implementation of innovative formulas for short-channel marketing, direct sales and networking.
  • To systematize, compile, disseminate and transfer innovations in FHS that bring small and medium-sized farms closer to 5 of the 6 “benefits for farmers” proposed in the European Green Deal.
  • Optimize logistics processes, implement protocols to support sustainable purchasing for collective catering companies, increase the digitalization of participating FHS by developing improvements in GISAT's digital infrastructure, design innovative mechanisms for direct sales to end consumers in schools, workplaces or homes, and improve new capacities for the development of wholesale channels for organic products.
  • Develop and implement a digital ecosystem of tools to promote, accelerate and improve food hubs and disseminate the toolkit among these and small and medium-sized farms and family industries.
Contact information
  • Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional (CERAI)
  • Fundación Entretantos
  • iniciativas sociambientales G.S.Coop Mad
  • Plant on Demand
  • Madrid Km0 Centro Logístico Sociedad Cooperativa
  • Asociación productores
  • elaboradores y tiendas ecológicas Valladolid
  • Unidad alimentaria de Valladolid S.A (Mercaolid)
  • Mercados centrales de abastecimiento de Valencia S.A (Mercavalencia)
  • Asociación Ekoalde Elkartea
  • Instituto Canario de Calidad Agroalimentaria
  • Saltamontes Bio S.A.T
  • Valle y Vega S.C.A
  • Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional (CERAI)
  • Fundación Entretantos
  • iniciativas sociambientales G.S.Coop Mad
  • Plant on Demand
  • Madrid Km0 Centro Logístico Sociedad Cooperativa
  • Asociación productores
  • elaboradores y tiendas ecológicas Valladolid
  • Asociación Vida Sana
  • Universidad de Córdoba (UCO)