SMARTOM operational group. Project to create an integrated management platform for the cultivation of industrial tomatoes
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status Filled
- Execution 2019 -2020
- Assigned Budget 599.962,24 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Extremadura; Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
The project addresses an improvement in the management of industrial tomato crops for sustainable management of key processes such as fertilization, health and irrigation, by creating a platform that integrates different technologies.
- Design and development of high-resolution remote sensing systems based on UAVs.
- Design and development of detection algorithms based on advanced spectral image processing (diseases, pests, irrigation needs and crop maturity status).
- Comprehensive management platform that will implement advanced decision support functionalities for the end user, aimed at the comprehensive management of each process at each stage of the tomato crop cycle.
- Development of high-resolution remote sensing UAV system for crop monitoring.
- Creation of specific detection and prediction algorithms for key processes in tomato cultivation.
- Web platform design for the telematic management of the entire tomato cycle and improvement of agronomic indicators (irrigation reduction, early detection of pests and fertilization deficiencies during the crop cycle).
Contact information
- Soltel It Solutions S.L.U.
- Asociación Empresarial De Investigación Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario Extremadura (Ctaex)
- Acopaex S
- Coop..Fundación Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia
- Ambling Ingenieria y Servicios S.L.
- Cartogalicia
- S.L
- Soltel It Solutions S.L.U.
- Asociación Empresarial De Investigación Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario Extremadura (Ctaex)
- Acopaex S
- Coop..Fundación Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia
- Ambling Ingenieria y Servicios S.L.
- Cartogalicia
- S.L