Moving towards a digital model for zero waste in the agri-food sector
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status In progress
- Execution 2022 -2025
- Assigned Budget 599.480,28 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Cataluña; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de; Murcia, Región de; País Vasco
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
The PDApp proposal aims to reduce food loss and waste in the fruit and vegetable sector through the development and validation of new services supported by digital tools, aimed at:
- Companies can channel the waste produced through a PDA platform safely to other companies in the food industry (food symbiosis), donation and other types of distribution for human consumption by putting companies in contact with the receiving social entities, channeling to the animal feed processing industry or other non-food industries (industrial symbiosis).
- They can develop a Food Loss and Waste Prevention and Reduction Plan (PPRPDA) in a guided and digital way that will help with decision-making and the establishment of corrective measures for companies.
- They can decide on the best alternatives for preventing PDA available thanks to knowledge of the economic, social and environmental benefits.
- Diagnosing food losses and waste in the fruit and vegetable sector.
- Facilitate the implementation of PDA prevention plans in the primary fruit and vegetable sector and decision-making based on sustainability criteria (environmental, social and economic).
- Provide alternatives for the prevention of fruit and vegetable PDA following the hierarchy of food uses adapted to the sector and the territory.
- Raise awareness and sensitize companies in the fruit and vegetable sector on the importance of reducing PDA and its measurement.
- PDA of fruits and vegetables diagnosed (quantification and causes)PDA prevention plans prepared by 9 companies in the fruit and vegetable sector and a system for measuring the environmental, social and economic impact of said PDA and the prevention alternatives defined.
- Prevention or recovery alternatives for companies with potential surplus PDA.
- Increased awareness and sensitization for the prevention of PDA among agents in the fruit and vegetable sector.
Contact information
- Fundacio Espigoladors
- Asociación empresarial centro tecnológico energía y medio ambiente (CETENMA)
- Fundación Centro Tecnolóxico de eficiencia e sostenibilidade enerxética (ENERGYLAB)
- Oreka Circular Economy SL
- Coordinadora de organizaciones de agricultores y ganaderos (COAG)
- Kiwi atlántico S.A.
- Jimbofresh Internacional SLL
- Conca de la Tordera S.c.c.l
- Galinsect SL
- Trasdeza S.C
- E.I ES IM-Perfect food S.L.
- Newen Europe Fresh SLU
- Cooperativa agrícola Levante Sur Soc
- Cooperativa
- Antigua vida nueva
- Fundacio Espigoladors
- Asociación empresarial centro tecnológico energía y medio ambiente (CETENMA)
- Fundación Centro Tecnolóxico de eficiencia e sostenibilidade enerxética (ENERGYLAB)
- Oreka Circular Economy SL
- Coordinadora de organizaciones de agricultores y ganaderos (COAG)
- Kiwi atlántico S.A.
- Jimbofresh Internacional SLL
- Conca de la Tordera S.c.c.l