Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community Hubs, Platforms and networks Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation … Agro-food cooperatives Valencian …
Integrated citrus production Training course The EFA Valencian Community Federation programs the 12-hour in-person training activity "Integrated citrus production" with the following contents : Study of the parameters for choosing a pattern Parameters to take into account in water and soil analysis …
Barrax - Rural Innovation Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks Hub where research sessions, business meetings, professional networking, raising European funds, information and experimentation are promoted. … Barrax - Rural Innovation …
Industrial tomato footprint (GO Tomprint) Operational group This Operational Group was created with the aim of developing a computer application that reflects all the stages of the tomato production cycle in order to obtain the water footprint and the carbon footprint at the end of the campaign at all stages of …
Biodiversity and Viticulture Operational Group (GO Bioviti) Operational group The activities to be developed by the group include identifying best practices for improving biodiversity at the farm scale in vineyards, developing pilot experiences with plant covers, pest control, soil improvement, etc., providing information on …
For sustainable management of the Atlantic vineyard (GO Gesviña) Operational group Atlantic vineyards share common problems: smallholding; high rainfall and mild temperatures, which affect the need to increase phytosanitary treatments, especially fungicides; rugged topography that favors erosion; Excessive dependence on the use of …
Almond Tree Cultivation and Pruning Training course Almond Tree and Pruning Course in Cuenca REGISTRATION at | Albaladejito Agroforestry Research Center, Cuenca … Almond Tree Cultivation and …
Improving the productivity and sustainability of underground drip irrigation systems that use oil mill waste as fertilizer through the use of nanobubbles (GO SUBALMA) Operational group The techniques used will improve the efficiency and quality of oil production, the reuse of by-products from the oil mill, and promote a circular bioeconomy in the sector through state-of-the-art precision irrigation techniques. … Improving the …
Improving the productivity and sustainability of underground drip irrigation systems that use oil mill waste as fertilizer through the use of nanobubbles (SUBALMA) Multimedia content Techniques used to improve the efficiency and quality of oil production, reuse of by-products from the oil mill, and promote a circular bioeconomy in the sector through state-of-the-art precision irrigation techniques. … Improving the productivity and …
VIII Agroecological Meeting Event Agroecological Meeting is a consolidated event of the country's agricultural and livestock sector that is attended by farmers, technicians, agricultural consultants, industries, cooperatives, marketers and companies that intervene in the agri-food chain. …
How new technologies impact food production Event Meeting that explores new technologies in food production, highlighting collaboration between companies and technology centers to promote innovation and improve market competitiveness. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION … How new technologies impact food …
Fruit Attraction Event Fruit Attraction is the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals. Fruit Attraction has become the reference commercial tool for the WORLDWIDE marketing of fruit and vegetables . Its capacity to promote global exports in the sector makes it the …
Citrus Connect 2025: A meeting of innovation and tradition in the heart of the Guadalquivir Valley Event Citrus Connect , the first international event that unites innovation, tradition and community in a unique celebration of citrus wealth, will take place in Palma del Río , in the heart of the Guadalquivir Valley, on March 25 and 26, 2025 . Organized in …
Vegetative covers in different crops Training course In this synchronous 5-session ONLINE course, the benefits of plant covers in pome fruit crops, olive groves, almond trees, citrus trees and vineyards will be explained . Sessions: 03 October | 16:00 h - 18:30 h | Session I. Vegetative covers in pome …