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GO SIMBIOLIVA: New bio-technological solutions for a circular economy of alperujo

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Status In progress
  • Execution 2024 -2027
  • Scope Supraautonómico
  • Autonomous community Andalucía; Castilla y León; Madrid, Comunidad de
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2023-2027
  • Project website Web del proyecto
The main result obtained by DCCOP in this project will be the development of a new physical system that allows, on the one hand, the use of alperujo as an organic amendment and, on the other hand, the valorisation of the polyphenol content present in alperujo. This will allow the generation of new circular economy processes and the availability of an alternative use for alperujo. To achieve this, combined physical and microbiological procedures will be developed to obtain a product that can be applied directly to the soil, in compliance with current legislation. This solution is necessary given the productive fluctuations of alperujo derived from the very nature of the crop, but amplified by the situation of climate change. With the developed process, alperujo can be applied directly as an organic amendment to crops, or other elements (parks, reforestation), allowing the improvement of the organic matter content of the soil and favouring its fertility.

For the San Pablo CEU University, the project involves the development of microbial consortia that allow the properties of olive oil to be improved as a substrate. The aim is to develop microbial communities that allow the reduction of polyphenols present in olive oil and, as far as possible, improve the properties of the product as an organic amendment. The creation of these consortia is extremely useful for the oil industry and will allow the university to generate a nature-based solution for the sector. This technology presents important advantages as a means of decontaminating products and generating solutions with reduced energy costs and with lower installation requirements, given that its action will be based on the growth of organisms in the medium itself.

For the company DMC, the project will allow the identification of new communities of microorganisms that improve plant development. This will allow the obtaining of new biostimulants that improve plant development and resist different types of abiotic stress. It will also collaborate in the development of new media that allow the survival and interaction of microorganisms with the plant to be improved. Currently, there are stimulant products for plants based on microorganisms, but it is necessary to improve their application through media that improve their interaction with the soil and roots. These communities on an improved support will also interact with the new organic amendment developed, alperujo, thus allowing the generation of a new medium with improved properties that favor the development of different plant species.

For El Ejidillo, the project will involve the development of new substrates that improve the interaction between soil, plant and microorganism. It will also evaluate the impact of biostimulants and treated alperujo as a whole on different species of agricultural, forestry and ornamental interest. In this way, knowledge will be increased in relation to the new organic amendment in interaction with beneficial soil bacteria. In this way, new methodologies will be available for improving soil fertility through organic amendments and their interaction with beneficial soil microorganisms. These techniques are key to improving the resilience of soil fertility in our current climate change conditions and can be applied to all types of Green Infrastructures.


SIMBIOLIVA will obtain four key results:

  • Polyphenol extraction process
  • Biological treatment.
  • Development of biofertilizers (bacterial consortium) improved with polymeric additives
  • Development of a new soil symbiotic (organic amendment + biofertilizers) and its production process that allows a sustainable use of alperujo within a circular economy
Description of activities
  • Act. 1 R1: Definition of physical and chemical properties of the initial and final alperujo (Period 1) Define the initial variability of the alperujo and the final requirements after its treatment.
  • Act. 2 R1: Development of process conditions in the laboratory (Period 1) Objective: To develop the process of valorisation of polyphenols.
  • Act. 3 R1:Implementation of the process in the olive oil mill Validate the process on a pilot scale.
  • Act. 4 R1: Development of the pilot physical-chemical process. Optimize the pilot process.
  • Act. 1 R2: Determination of organisms of interest and biological process Identify a bacterial consortium that degrades recalcitrant compounds.
  • Act. 2 R2: Development of biological treatment in the laboratory.
  • Act. 3 R2: Determination of effects on the substrate and plant species.
  • Act. 4 R2: Validation of the pilot biological treatment process.
  • Act. 1 R3: Definition of biofertilizers of interest and improving substances Identify potential biofertilizer consortia.
  • Act. 2 R3: Development of additives to improve organisms of interest Select additives to improve the survival and effect of PGPR.
  • Act. 1 R4: Integration of functionalities and field validation Integrate the organic amendment with the improved biofertilizers to generate a symbiotic (amendment + fertilizer).
Contextual description

The global olive oil sector produces between 17 and 22 million tonnes of olives, generating between 13 and 18 million tonnes of alperujo, with Spain representing 45% of this production.

Climate change and the increase in olive cultivation are increasing the threats to the sector. Climate fluctuations (such as Filomena and DANAS) and the increase in maximum temperatures have a negative impact on the sector. In 2022, the high cost of natural gas forced some olive oil extraction plants to stop their operations, harming the sector.

Soil erosion is also a concern, with 30% of Spain affected by erosion processes and an average soil loss of 14.16 t/ha in 2017. SIMBIOLIVA explores new ways to valorise alperujo and develop products that protect Mediterranean soils and improve crop resilience. The circular economy, promoted by the EU, involves sharing, reusing, repairing, renewing and recycling materials to extend product life cycles. The development of circular economy processes faces political, cultural, financial and technological barriers.

The regulation of the use of alperujo, the dissemination of projects, access to financing and experience in the valorisation of by-products and soil solutions are key aspects.


SIMBIOLIVA proposes a strategy based on physical-chemical and biological processes that, on the one hand, allow us to reduce the presence of polyphenols by solubilizing them, and on the other, manage to reduce treatment times, achieving a nature-based solution that has a direct and positive impact on the olive sector and that can be extrapolated to other crops in the agricultural sector.

  1. Polyphenol extraction process.
  2. Biological treatment.
  3. Biofertilizer.
  4. New soil symbiotic.
Contact information
  • Postal address: C/ Demetrio de los Ríos, 15 41003 Seville SPAIN
  • Coordinator email:
  • Telephone: (+34) 954 422 416
  • Cooperativas agroalimentarias de Andalucía
  • Cooperativas agroalimentarias de Andalucía