Insects as an alternative sustainable protein source (GO Insect)
- Type Operational group
- Execution 2018
- Assigned Budget 344.243,00 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Aragón; Asturias, Principado de; Balears, Illes; Canarias; Cantabria; Castilla y León; Castilla - La Mancha; Cataluña; Comunitat Valenciana; Extremadura; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de; Murcia, Región de; Navarra, Comunidad Foral de; País Vasco; Rioja, La
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
FAO maintains that eating insects is beneficial for health due to their nutritional value. They are also an alternative for the production of animal feed.
The estimated increase in population over the next 50 years and climate change are two of the major challenges for the global food industry.
The Task Force aims to explore and exploit the potential that insects offer as biodigesters of agro-food waste and by-products, allowing for the obtaining of a new, alternative and sustainable source of protein for food and defining the necessary requirements to ensure the technical/economic viability of projects.
- Explore and exploit the potential of insects as an alternative and sustainable source of protein for food.
- Identify the necessary requirements to ensure the technical and economic viability of other projects.
- Create a stable work forum that integrates knowledge and promotes experiences that demonstrate the technical and economic viability of the production and consumption of insect protein.
- Report describing procedures on work operations.
- Conclusions on the state of the art, technology, legislation, market, previous initiatives related to the breeding and use of insects and derivatives for food.
- Preparation of innovative project proposal and communication plan.
- Dissemination through brochures and press releases on corporate websites and social networks.
Contact information
- Name of coordinator/entity: Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries
- Coordinator/entity email:
- Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias