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Knowledge dissemination: green dyes in table olives

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2017
  • Assigned Budget 5.000,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Andalucía
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

This Task Force aims to address a specific problem: the use of colorants in the table olive agri-food sector, integrating agents from the main interested sectors: Agri-food & Research & Administration.

The aim is to promote innovation by encouraging the exchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge generated at the Instituto de la Grasa (IG). The need for the project arose from research carried out by members of the Pigment Chemistry and Biochemistry group at the IG.

Bad production practices have been revealed at an international level, related to the stabilisation of the green colour in table olives, which involve both the use of food colourings type E141ii and the addition of copper salts, which, as they are not classified as colourings, are not usually determined by the control authorities.


The general objective is to disseminate this knowledge among the various agents in the sector, as well as the appropriate analytical methodology to detect such practices that constitute unfair competition.


The expected results are intended to promote cooperation and professional training in the sector in this field and will contribute to the objectives of the AEI by trying to solve a specific problem: unfair competition with the use of green dyes. The innovation is applied in the area of developing an innovative service in the supply chain aimed at protecting product quality for the consumer.

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