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GO APP_TRI: Development of a digital platform for monitoring and improving the production of wheat crops

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Status In progress
  • Execution 2024 -2027
  • Scope Supraautonómico
  • Autonomous community Aragón; Madrid, Comunidad de
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2023-2027

APP-TRI aims to determine the dynamics of the crop throughout the different phenological stages of the plant, based on the relationships between the absorbance values of the electromagnetic bands and the vegetation indices, obtained from the remote sensors installed in Sentinel-2.

In particular, the compilation of an extensive cereal (wheat) agronomic database will be carried out, which will allow the completion of the descriptive, predictive and prescriptive performance algorithms, developed by the members of this GO, which will give robustness to the predictive model of a computer application. These models have been built and designed with a database covering the period 2019-2023, on the performance of wheat crops in the autonomous communities of Andalusia, Valencia, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Aragon. The results of the application of the model will be displayed in a digital application, and these will allow early decision-making in the management of wheat crops to improve farmers' practices (irrigation practices, fertilization, pest and disease control, etc.).


The Operational Group presents a predictive digital application for estimating wheat yield, suitable for different electronic devices (computer, tablet, or mobile phone), to determine, anticipate and predict the wheat harvest up to 3 months in advance, in addition to accurately detecting possible deviations or anomalies in the agronomic management of wheat crops.

The ultimate goal is to provide the agri-food sector with an innovative tool that is comprehensive, fast, easy to use and interpret, and that is tailored to the needs of the agricultural sector. It will also be accompanied by a practical user guide. The project will promote the economic and sustainable development of the agricultural sector and the development of rural areas, thus being able to cope with the impact of the sectoral crisis that this crop is suffering and thus contribute to a resilient and sustainable economic recovery.

Description of activities
  • Historical analysis and current status of wheat cultivation in Spain.
  • Creation of a database of agronomic variables (yield) and physical variables (reflectance in electromagnetic bands) in wheat cultivation in the provinces studied.
  • Design of the models.
  • Development of the software application integrating the previous models.
  • Selection and monitoring of "showcase" plots with wheat.
  • Evaluating corrective measures on performance prediction.
  • Writing a User Guide for the generated tool.
  • Dissemination activities for the project results.

To design a computer application to estimate productivity in wheat crops, based on monitoring, processing and interpretation of the data recorded in the yield maps generated, with a view to improving the economic benefit derived from agricultural exploitation, increasing efficiency, productivity and environmental sustainability. The project seeks to take advantage of Earth Observation technology within the EU Copernicus programme and to improve its agronomic interpretation towards more efficient and sustainable precision agriculture.

  1. Detailed technical report on the history and evolution to date of wheat cultivation in Spain.
  2. Database with the productive parameters (yield maps), soil and climate, management and remote sensing parameters of each plot in each year.
  3. Wheat prediction model based on the developed algorithms.
  4. Software application development.
  5. Selection and characterization of "showcase" plots with wheat and their monitoring.
  6. Evaluating corrective measures on performance prediction.
  7. Practical Guide for the correct handling of the application.
Contact information
  • Postal address: C/ Agustín de Betancourt 17, 2nd floor, Madrid, 28003
  • Coordinator email:
  • Telephone: 915336764
  • Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores (ASAJA)
  • Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores (ASAJA)