Creation of pastures in the Xurés mountain range using native breeds of cattle
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2017
- Assigned Budget 5.000,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
This Task Force aims to create and recover the pastures of the Serra do Xurés while promoting the production of valued beef. To achieve this objective, the use of traditional grazing techniques with native breeds of cattle by the area's farmers is promoted. The Serra do Xurés has a high environmental value, which includes several first-rate protection figures such as “Natural Park”, “Biosphere Reserve” and “Natura 2000 Network”.
Historically, mountain pastures, also known as brañas, were used to feed native breeds of beef cattle using traditional grazing, although their use is now in decline. Traditional grazing is based on cattle feeding in the fields for as long as possible. To do this, cattle will graze in different places throughout the year, depending on the seasons and how they consume the resources of the pastures.
This grazing system has a direct impact on the improvement of mountain ecosystems in terms of biodiversity, vegetation cover and protection against fires in an area of very high environmental value. It will also have an impact on the enhancement of the value of the meat produced with this type of grazing, as well as on the economic promotion of a region that is clearly undergoing a process of depopulation.