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Meeting the demand for durum wheat through local production with low environmental impact, short distribution chains and full traceability

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2016
  • Assigned Budget 10.500,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Cataluña
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

Creation of the Operational Group and drafting of a pilot project aimed at the following aspects:

  1. Identification of the best areas and varieties for the production of quality durum wheat.
  2. Incorporation of tools to implement precision agriculture with the aim of increasing efficiency in the use of resources
  3. Implementation of a short distribution chain model
  4. Evaluation of its environmental and economic impact.

The aim is to offer a new value-added alternative to the cereal sector to increase its competitiveness and sustainability through the introduction of durum wheat cultivation in Catalonia, the implementation of a quality-oriented production model and a short distribution chain that strengthens the connection between production systems and consumers, while responding to the demand for durum wheat from the Catalan pasta industry.

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