Project for the identification, enhancement and international marketing of minority grape varieties
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status In progress
- Execution 2023 -2025
- Assigned Budget 566.298,51 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Cantabria; Castilla y León; País Vasco
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
Project that seeks innovative solutions to develop viticultural management models aimed at promoting and making visible minority grape varieties, and does so supported by three pillars:
- Identification and classification of raw materials through the creation of a digital catalogue.
- The enhancement of these varieties as a solution to mitigate the effects of climate change on viticulture.
- Promote the marketing of wines made with these varieties by creating quality labels that reflect their uniqueness and origin,
- Promoting the cultivation of minority grape varieties as an alternative to adapting grape cultivation to climate change through the use of technological and innovative tools.
- Create digital and technological tools that allow identifying, making visible, georeferencing, consulting, promoting and managing minority grape varieties in Spain.
- Marketing of minority grape varieties at national and international level.
- Define a sustainability strategy to reduce emissions from the Vingo consortium and offset its carbon footprint.
- Protocol for managing parameters linked to minority varieties that improve the quality of their wines, the use of which allows for a reduction in alcohol content and a lowering of pH, aimed at achieving innovative productions and high marketing potential.
- Locate areas that favor the conditions of the vine plant and its survival in the face of climate change.
- Digital development of the first online platform for sectoral and multidisciplinary information for contact between professionals and a virtual classroom for specific training.
- Marketing and sales plan for minority grape varieties to promote sales.
- Strategic plan for ecological certification, environmental balance and carbon footprint. Design of quality badge.
Contact information
- Asociación Cowine
- ECM Ingeniería ambiental S.L.
- 3 ASES bodegas y viñedos S.L.
- Bodega El hato y el garabato
- Bodega202 SLU
- Asociación ruta del vino de Arribes
- Diputación provincial de Ávila
- Grupo de acción local Liébana
- Asociación Cowine
- ECM Ingeniería ambiental S.L.
- 3 ASES bodegas y viñedos S.L.
- Bodega El hato y el garabato
- Bodega202 SLU
- De rotos y descosidos SC
- USU Turismo Expertise
- Instituto tecnológico agrario de Castilla y León (ITACYL)