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Proyecto de identificación, puesta en valor y comercialización internacional de variedades minoritarias de uva

Project for the identification, enhancement and international marketing of minority grape varieties


Project that seeks innovative solutions to develop viticultural management models aimed at promoting and making visible minority grape varieties, and does so supported by three pillars:

  • Identification and classification of raw materials through the creation of a digital catalogue.
  • The enhancement of these varieties as a solution to mitigate the effects of climate change on viticulture.
  • Promote the marketing of wines made with these varieties by creating quality labels that reflect their uniqueness and origin,
  • Promoting the cultivation of minority grape varieties as an alternative to adapting grape cultivation to climate change through the use of technological and innovative tools.
  • Create digital and technological tools that allow identifying, making visible, georeferencing, consulting, promoting and managing minority grape varieties in Spain.
  • Marketing of minority grape varieties at national and international level.
  • Define a sustainability strategy to reduce emissions from the Vingo consortium and offset its carbon footprint.
  • Protocol for managing parameters linked to minority varieties that improve the quality of their wines, the use of which allows for a reduction in alcohol content and a lowering of pH, aimed at achieving innovative productions and high marketing potential.
  • Locate areas that favor the conditions of the vine plant and its survival in the face of climate change.
  • Digital development of the first online platform for sectoral and multidisciplinary information for contact between professionals and a virtual classroom for specific training.
  • Marketing and sales plan for minority grape varieties to promote sales.
  • Strategic plan for ecological certification, environmental balance and carbon footprint. Design of quality badge.
Contact information
  • Asociación Cowine
  • ECM Ingeniería ambiental S.L.
  • 3 ASES bodegas y viñedos S.L.
  • Bodega El hato y el garabato
  • Bodega202 SLU
  • Asociación ruta del vino de Arribes
  • Diputación provincial de Ávila
  • Grupo de acción local Liébana
  • Asociación Cowine
  • ECM Ingeniería ambiental S.L.
  • 3 ASES bodegas y viñedos S.L.
  • Bodega El hato y el garabato
  • Bodega202 SLU
  • De rotos y descosidos SC
  • USU Turismo Expertise
  • Instituto tecnológico agrario de Castilla y León (ITACYL)