GO SOSTVAN, Technological strategies for improving the sustainability of the suckler cow livestock sector.
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status Filled
- Execution 2019 -2021
- Assigned Budget 595.133,94 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Aragón; Asturias, Principado de; Cantabria; Castilla y León; Extremadura; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website https://www.sostvan.com/
Improving the added value of extensive beef through environmental labelling and marketing on a blockchain platform.
- Promote the environmental and animal welfare values of extensive beef cattle production.
- Implementation of new marketing strategies for extensive beef using blockchain technology.
- Coordination of a project that demonstrates the technical and economic viability of new innovative solutions.
- Dissemination and transfer of the results of the innovative project to the sector.
- Demonstration that extensive livestock farming contributes positively to mitigating the carbon footprint and provides environmental as well as economic value.
- Quantifying how meat production linked to the extensive system guarantees and improves animal welfare.
- Development and implementation of blockchain technology to ensure full traceability of the meat production process.
- Promotion and dissemination of knowledge and results generated with the livestock community and society.
Contact information
- Iberico Comercialización SCL
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Universidad de Extremadura
- Universidad de León Grupo de Investigación IMAPOR (BB 250-codigo 413)
- DE HEUS Nutricion Animal SA
- Dehesa Grande Sociedad Cooperativa
- Merck Sharp & Dohme Animal Health
- S.L.
- Organismo Autonomo Parques Nacionales
- Iberico Comercialización SCL
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Universidad de Extremadura
- Universidad de León Grupo de Investigación IMAPOR (BB 250-codigo 413)
- DE HEUS Nutricion Animal SA
- Dehesa Grande Sociedad Cooperativa
- Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León (ITACYL)
- Imasde Agroalimentaria SL
- Unión de Ganaderos de Vacas Nodrizas (UGAVAN)