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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
course poster
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias CLM

Sustainability and Precision Agriculture, Malagón

Did you know that precision agriculture helps us to be more sustainable? GENERAL OBJECTIVES We live in times where the sustainability of our farms and their resilience to climate change and other external factors is key to ensuring that, tomorrow, we continue to have profitable crops. The application of the 2030 Agenda and the principles of
agroalnext course poster

Technology Valuation and Transfer Course

This 6-hour intensive course, divided into two 3-hour sessions to be chosen from the three available dates, combines theory and practice to offer concrete tools and a strategic approach to the process of valorisation and technology transfer. Sessions can be chosen from the following dates. February 18 and 20, 2025 February 25 and 27, 2025 March 4
Plataforma Tierra

Bioproduct development: from idea to market

This webinar will explore the process of developing , evaluating and registering agricultural products . It will feature the participation of leaders and experts from renowned companies and associations in the agri-food sector. During the session, the essential stages of the process will be broken down, from initial formulation to obtaining
La Vega Innova

Course on intelligent machinery and robotics applied to agriculture

The technological revolution is transforming agriculture through the implementation of intelligent machinery and robotics. It offers a comprehensive overview of intelligent machinery and robotics applied to agriculture, preparing participants to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by this exciting area of study and
Fundación para la Agricultura del Conocimiento

IBER: Hydraulic Modelling for Pond Classification

This hydraulic modelling course with IBER is designed to provide the student with the tools and knowledge necessary to carry out simulations of floods caused by a possible collapse of the containment dam of water reservoirs and thus evaluate its possible consequences on the territory, in such a way as to classify the reservoir according to its risk
AI illustration with food

Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector

Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial Intelligence. Verify labeling with AI Analyze and assess compliance with labeling regulations of your products with Artificial Intelligence and a simple photo
illustration of team with hands on ground
Gobierno de La Rioja

Introduction to collaborative innovation project management course

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural World and Environment of the Government of La Rioja is organizing an introductory course on the management of collaborative innovation projects , aimed at professionals in the agricultural, agri-food and forestry sectors. This course is designed to provide both technical and practical knowledge on how
cover of the course digital notebook agroslab

Online seminar for technicians and advisors. aGROSlab Agricultural Exploitation Notebook.

Seminar for Technicians and Advisors in Integrated Pest Management in which to learn the main functionalities of the aGROSlab Operating Notebook. For approximately 90 minutes you will be able to learn: – The control panel for technicians and farmers. – The GIS viewer with its layers and functions. – The management of phytosanitary treatments. – The
eu farmbook webinar

Webinar: EU-FARMBOOK “The place to store your materials with a practical approach”

Webinar organised within the framework of the European project EU-FarmBook , which will be held on December 12. This event is organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI) , and aims to provide information on the use of the EU-FarmBook digital platform. Program: EU-FarmBook. Free
eco circ
Metodo - Formación

Free online course Integrating the circular economy into business management

Free online course on integrating the circular economy into business management for workers in the Region of Murcia . This course has a final face-to-face exam to be taken at our headquarters in Murcia ( C/ Sierra Carbonera 3-5 bajo ). Related occupations and positions: senior technicians in business organization and administration, management and
technological innovation in agricultural machinery

Demonstration day of machinery, technological innovations and safety

5-hour demonstration featuring agricultural machinery, technological innovations and safety elements.
Precision agriculture course

Precision agriculture day

5-hour technical session in which the following contents will be addressed: Precision Agriculture concept and aid for the acquisition of equipment Current advances , success stories and future trends Precision olive growing and viticulture
Integration of sensors in the Agri-Food Industry 4.0
La Vega Innova

Integration of sensors in the agri-food industry 4.0

Registration for this course is open until November 4th. Students will have the opportunity to learn both the appropriate operating procedures and the knowledge and calculation methods necessary to design and apply recent advances in engineering and technology in industrial processes and in auxiliary refrigeration installations for agri-food
new technologies in water management
DIH Datalife

Application of new technologies for efficient water management in the Galician agricultural sector

Organized within the framework of the EDIH DATAlife project , this new training aimed at the agri-food sector will combine theoretical sessions , which will include the presentation of success stories , and practical sessions , with visits to agro-industries and plots with monitoring systems : QUEIZUAR LUTEGA Quescrem The following topics will be
Use of digital technology in the agricultural sector (Advanced)
Gobierno de Canarias

Use of digital technology in the agricultural sector (Advanced)

30-hour online course to obtain the advanced knowledge necessary to interact more quickly and safely with the administration, as well as to improve marketing and business management for optimal commercialization of agricultural products. Registration up to 8 days before the start.
minimum viable data space
DIH Datalife

Defining a Minimum Viable Data Space

Cross-curricular face-to-face training taught in English that will address the following aspects with a participatory and practical approach: Technical characteristics Data Space Architectures Interoperability and applicable standards Data Space Protocol Open source software components in development Practical implementation of a minimum viable
DIH Datalife

Management and governance of data spaces

Cross- curricular training in which, with a combination of theoretical presentations, practical case studies and interactive discussions, the following topics will be addressed: European policies and regulations on the data economy What are data spaces and what are they needed for? Main Spanish and European organisations Architectures proposed by
DIH Datalife

Data collection and integration

Cross-cutting training, with multiple and practical applications in the agricultural and livestock sector, in which the following topics will be addressed with a practical and participatory approach: History of data capture Definitions of IoT and IIoT Data Capture: Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things Data processing architectures ICT
digital notebook courses in the Canary Islands
Gobierno de Canarias

The Autonomous Exploration Register (REA), the Digital Exploitation Notebook (CUA) and the Exploitation Information System (SIEX)

The objective of this 30-hour online course is to inform those responsible for current and future farms about the new regulations that must be applied and complied with, regarding the Farm Information System and the operation of the autonomous components with the case studies presented by farms in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands
Digitalization of agricultural and livestock farms
DIH Datalife

Digitalization of the management of agricultural and livestock farms

In-person course that will include theoretical sessions that will address the requirements and regulatory changes linked to digital tools in the agricultural sector. The following topics will be addressed: Introduction to the digital field notebook Introduction to the Digital Exploitation Book Digital books on drug treatments, veterinary