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Application of new technologies for efficient water management in the Galician agricultural sector

Start date: 30/10/2024
Ending date: 17/11/2024
Modality: Blended learning
Autonomous community: Galicia
Province: Coruña, ALugo
Location: Lugo y A Coruña


Organized within the framework of the EDIH DATAlife project , this new training aimed at the agri-food sector will combine theoretical sessions , which will include the presentation of success stories , and practical sessions , with visits to agro-industries and plots with monitoring systems :

The following topics will be addressed:

  • Conceptual and regulatory framework for water in the Galician agroindustry and countryside
  • Circular water economy
  • Sensorization of processes, products and services in SMEs
  • Monitoring of water intakes, irrigation systems and irrigation returns in irrigated crops
  • Reuse of regenerated water
  • Data exploitation and management

The training will be given by Tomás S. Cuesta , Teresa Teijeiro and Javier J. Cancela , agricultural engineers from the University of Santiago de Compostela ( USC ).


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