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Data collection and integration

Start date: 12/09/2024
Ending date: 12/09/2024
Modality: In person
Autonomous community: Galicia
Province: Pontevedra
Location: GRADIANT. Estrada do Vilar, 56-58, Lavadores, 36214 Vigo, Pontevedra.


Cross-cutting training, with multiple and practical applications in the agricultural and livestock sector, in which the following topics will be addressed with a practical and participatory approach:

  • History of data capture
  • Definitions of IoT and IIoT
  • Data Capture: Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things
  • Data processing architectures
  • ICT tools
  • Recommendations and good practices

The training will be given by Daniel García Coego , director of Intelligent Systems at Gradiant , and Diego Reiriz Cores, technical manager of AI&DataOps at Gradiant.


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