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Digitalization of the management of agricultural and livestock farms

Start date: 10/09/2024
Ending date: 10/09/2024
Modality: In person
Autonomous community: Galicia
Province: Coruña, A
Location: AGACA C/ Tomiño, 22, 15704, Santiago De Compostela (A Coruña)


In-person course that will include theoretical sessions that will address the requirements and regulatory changes linked to digital tools in the agricultural sector. The following topics will be addressed:

  • Introduction to the digital field notebook
  • Introduction to the Digital Exploitation Book
  • Digital books on drug treatments, veterinary prescriptions and prescription databases
  • Obtaining, extracting and integrating data by monitoring systems in livestock and farms

The training will be given by Raúl Marcos Rodríguez , Arza Engineering ; Jesús Cantalapiedra and Gerardo Rivero Cuesta , veterinarians from the Department of Rural Affairs ; and Elio López García , CEO of Innogando .


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