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Sustainability and Precision Agriculture, Malagón

Start date: 11/03/2025
Ending date: 11/03/2025
Modality: In person
Autonomous community: Castilla - La Mancha
Province: Ciudad Real
Location: Centro de formación "Olivia" de Grupo Montes Norte - Malagón Ctra. Toledo N-401 – km.169 – Malagón (CR)


Did you know that precision agriculture helps us to be more sustainable?


We live in times where the sustainability of our farms and their resilience to climate change and other external factors is key to ensuring that, tomorrow, we continue to have profitable crops.

The application of the 2030 Agenda and the principles of sustainable development are key, not only in our farms, but also to access the markets in which we operate today. More and more customers are demanding strategies in this regard in order to be able to buy our products.

People who are dedicated to producing food and their cooperatives, through marketing, have been working for years to safeguard and protect natural spaces, create employment, guarantee quality products, improve energy efficiency, in short, guaranteeing that agriculture and livestock continue to be sustainable sectors and therefore comply with the 2030 Agenda, but often, little is communicated about everything that is done.

In addition, precision agriculture is of the utmost importance, since with the arrival of new technologies (sensors, satellites, drones, GPS, etc.), the field and our crops are constantly changing, and it is necessary to analyze and understand all the variations and particularities of the environment in order to be able to provide the exact inputs for the optimization of the harvests.

The application of technology in agriculture allows us to obtain the information necessary to understand variations in soil and crops , and this, together with the principles outlined in terms of sustainability, can become a competitive advantage, much needed in these times.


  • How to use sustainable development as a competitive advantage.
  • Learn about the benefits that precision agriculture brings to us.
  • Reflect on how we can apply it in our farms and cooperatives.


Governing Councils, managers, technical staff, social base and people from cooperatives and civil society of Castilla-La Mancha.


09:30h-10:30h.- Keys to incorporating sustainable development in agri-food cooperatives.

01:30h-12:30h.- Benefits of precision agriculture for our farms.

12:30h-13:30h.- Identification of needs and opportunities in sustainable development and agriculture. Practical examples.


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