Informative manual Cultiva Program: training program for young farmers on model farms Multimedia content Explanatory manual for the Cultiva program. … Informative manual Cultiva Program: training program for young farmers on model farms …
Training needs of rural youth Multimedia content Study of training needs of rural youth. … Training needs of rural youth …
Study on access to land. Final document of the focus group on access to land Multimedia content Summary of the activities and recommendations of the Focal Group on Access to Land promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the preparation of a document to support dialogue between the competent administrations in the preparation …
The Land and the People Multimedia content A programme specialising in the primary sector, agriculture, livestock and fishing. We cover everything about rural life, villages and the lives of their people with their testimonies. … The Land and the …
Ferrado and a Half Multimedia content A programme specialising in the world of agriculture that includes news sections, reports, interviews and accounts of human stories related to the primary sector in which the agricultural sector has an impact. … Ferrado and a …
Innovation and transfer network in extensive crops Operational group The Operational Group aims to formalise a stable working structure that contributes to the transfer of knowledge and the application of innovation in the production of extensive crops. … Innovation and transfer network in extensive …
Genetic improvement of the Friesian breed cow in Cadí SCCL farms Operational group This project involves a player from the food industry in the dairy sector (Cadí SCCL), a local dairy cattle farmers' association (Asociación Frisona del Alt Urgell y Cerdanya AFAUC) which is currently part of a Catalan federation (Federación de Frisona de …
COLLSEROLA Agrarian Contract Operational group One of the main challenges identified and prioritized by the small and medium-sized farmers of Collserola, within the framework of the participatory process of Alimentamos Collserola (2016-2019), is to protect the agricultural and livestock systems of the …
Comprehensive and circular methodology for business decision-making (GO DECISION-MAKING) Operational group The Decision-Making project consists of the creation of a methodology that allows the implementation and use of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence tools and knowledge in the commercial field of small businesses. … Comprehensive and circular …
Methodological guide for the creation of an Agrarian Test Space Multimedia content Guide that provides an innovative methodology for the implementation of agricultural test spaces … Methodological guide for the creation of an Agrarian Test …
Network of Agricultural Test Spaces (GO RETA) Operational group Creation, articulation and dynamization of a Network of Agricultural Test Spaces, with the aim of participating in public-private social innovation strategies to support the incorporation of new agents in the agricultural sector. … Network of Agricultural …
Biofunctionalization of national strategic crops to improve their competitiveness in the market (GO BIODIF) Operational group Analysis of all strategic tomato, corn and olive crops to select the compounds of greatest interest for biofunctionalization. With the application of nanotechnology, the effect of treatments on strategic crops will be quantified and described and the …
Biotechnology for traceability and genetic selection in Spanish minority pig breeds (GO BIO4TRACE) Operational group Determination of microsatellite profiles, SNPs and complete genome in minority breeds. Determination of fatty acid profile and IMF in meat from minority breeds; and relationship between objectively measurable stress and adaptation to the forest …
Network of laboratory forests with improved plants to increase resilience and production in coniferous forests (GO PLANFORLAB) Operational group The project aims to implement innovative technologies in the production of improved forest plants, increasing the effectiveness of prevention and combating forest diseases that affect commercial coniferous forests through the introduction of genetically …
Precision livestock farming to increase the sustainability and resilience of extensive farms of native breed suckler cows (GO SMARTFARMRANI) Operational group Initial assessment of the health, reproductive and feeding strategies of RANI farms and completion of a technical-economic study of the current situation of the breed. Effective and automatic digitalization of processes in the Rearing Center for future …