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GO PLANFORLAB: Network of laboratory forests with improved plants to increase resilience and production in coniferous forests

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Status In progress
  • Execution 2024 -2027
  • Scope Supraautonómico
  • Autonomous community Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de; País Vasco
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2023-2027
The general objective of PLANFORLAB is the development of new improved forest plants and the optimisation of the sustainable management of coniferous wood-producing forests, orienting it towards resilient models against harmful pathologies and climate change. A network of permanent forest areas (laboratory forests) will be created that offer the possibility of observing and monitoring pine stands and the influence of pathologies and silvicultural practices in relation to climate change. The aim is to implement innovative technologies in the production of improved forest plants, increasing the effectiveness of prevention and combating forest pathologies that affect commercial coniferous forests through the introduction of genetically improved plants. Monitoring methodologies will be harmonised, verifying the benefit for foresters and forest managers of using plants of high genetic quality, promoting their consumption in reforestation. A digital collaboration network will be created for the exchange of results and their transfer to potential beneficiaries.

The project aims to implement innovative technologies in the production of improved forest plants, increasing the effectiveness of prevention and combating forest diseases that affect commercial coniferous forests through the introduction of genetically improved plants, harmonizing monitoring methodologies by verifying the benefit for foresters and forest managers of the use of high genetic quality plants, promoting their consumption in reforestation and the creation of a digital collaboration network for the exchange of results and their transfer to potential beneficiaries.

Description of activities
  • A1-A8. R1. Design of laboratory forests and monitoring protocols. Drafting of 3 Laboratory Forest projects and 6 resilient silvicultural models. Documentation of silvicultural protocols and models.
  • A1-A15. R2. Establishment of mega-gametophytes, rooting cuttings campaigns, nursery crops of plants with innovative genetic material. Conducting pathogen resistance and proliferation tests by period. Characterization of rooting reactivity and disease resistance, inventory of plants produced in forest format. Analysis of test data and documentation of achievements.
  • A1-A9. R3. Location, characterisation and design of test plots. Preparation of 3 monitoring protocols and 3 execution projects with statistical and demonstrative design of resilient forestry models. Execution and technical visits, with preparation of reports. Results document.
  • A1-A7.R4. Carrying out 3 interregional workshops (Galicia, Castilla y León and the Basque Country) for the design of the technological collaboration network. Design of a questionnaire for the identification and characterisation of conifer genetic improvement test plots. 3 regional inventories of test plots. Drafting of a digital platform architecture document and generation of a database. Joint results document. Effective implementation of the digital platform of the technological collaboration network.
Contextual description

In the territorial area that includes Galicia, Castile and Leon and the Basque Country, coniferous forests occupy 1,550,000 hectares, resulting in the most important coniferous forests in Spain, with a timber harvest of 7,773,935 cubic metres per year. However, forest fires, the incidence of pests and diseases and the low price of coniferous wood in the past have had very negative effects on the forest area dedicated to the cultivation of conifers, causing in the recent past the disappearance or transformation of pine forests, which in turn has raised the alarm in the wood industry, which sees the supply of quality coniferous wood to industrial production chains at risk in the medium term. Furthermore, in recent years, especially in the last decade, a series of forest pathogens (fusarium, pine nematode, red and brown bands, among others) have appeared that threaten and affect these masses, potentially causing serious ecological damage and even the death of the pines that form them.

These circumstances have a strong economic impact on the forestry sector. However, new plantations are often still not carried out with suitable and high-quality MFR. In addition, there are still not enough MFR that are resistant to these diseases or their effectiveness in the field has not yet been proven.

In order to try to solve this problem, it is necessary to connect the entire forestry sector, so that all the advances obtained in research are transferred in the shortest possible time to the rest of the forestry sector (nurseries, service companies, owners). For this reason, innovation projects in which research centres, companies and owners' associations participate are of vital importance, in which spaces such as laboratory forests are developed to create research and demonstration plots in which the behaviour and adaptation of the different MFR to different climatic and soil conditions is tested, and different silvicultural itineraries resilient to climate change are also tested.


Develop new improved forest plants and optimize the sustainable management of coniferous wood-producing forests, orienting it towards resilient models against harmful pathologies and climate change.

  1. To plan and establish laboratory forests in Castilla y León, Galicia and the Basque Country. Design and development of innovative silvicultural models for the species Pinus pinaster, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus radiata capable of reducing the risk of disease and improving resilience to climate change.
  2. Select, test and produce improved material for reproduction, both sexually and vegetatively, of the species under study to install in laboratory forests using silvicultural models and the material generated for testing in controlled greenhouse conditions.
  3. Install three test and demonstration plots in the laboratory forests following silvicultural models and using the reproduction material generated. Characterization under controlled greenhouse conditions of the same MFRs that are installed in the field plots for resistance to different pathogens of interest.
  4. Create a digital monitoring network that allows all interested parties to access and manage data from laboratory forests and knowledge of test plots for improved materials. Execution of the dissemination plan.
Contact information
  • Postal address: Rúa do Vilar, 33, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña
  • Coordinator email:
  • Phone: 618752222
  • Asociación Forestal de Galicia (AFG)
  • Asociación Forestal de Galicia (AFG)