RETA Operational Group: Network of Agricultural Test Spaces
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status Filled
- Execution 2018 -2020
- Assigned Budget 479.500,00 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Cataluña; Extremadura
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
Creation, articulation and dynamization of a Network of Agricultural Test Spaces, with the aim of participating in public-private social innovation strategies to support the incorporation of new agents in the agricultural sector.
- Coordinate the RETA Operational Group and design an innovative methodology for implementing Agricultural Test Spaces.
- Offer support services to new agricultural agents.
- Implement Agricultural Test Spaces in pilot format.
- Create, articulate and energize a Network of Agricultural Test Spaces.
- Disseminate social and environmental innovation in support of new agricultural agents.
- Carrying out the activities, executing the project and publishing the guide for the implementation of Agricultural Test Spaces in Spain.
- Creation of the support centre for the incorporation of new agents.
- Implementation of a Livestock Test Space in and at Terra Alta.
- Creation of the Network of Agricultural Test Spaces.
- Execution of the dissemination plan. Organization of the First RETA Conferences.
Contact information
- Associacio d'iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya
- Associacio Rurbans
- Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori
- Red Extremeña de Desarrollo Rural
- TAGUS- Asociación para el Desarrollo de Tajo-Salor-Almonte
- COOPRADO- Sociedad cooperativa limitada Nuestra Señora del Prado
- Federacio d'Agrupcions de Defensa Forestal de la Terra Alta
- Universidad de Extremadura
- Diputacion de Barcelona.
- Fundacio Lleida 21 de l’Ajuntament de Lleida.
- ANCRI- Associacio Nacional de Criadors d’Ovi de Raça Ripollesa .
- Ayuntamiento de Arroyo de la Luz.
- RENETA - Reseau National des Espaces-Test Agricoles
- Associacio d'iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya
- Associacio Rurbans
- Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori
- Red Extremeña de Desarrollo Rural
- TAGUS- Asociación para el Desarrollo de Tajo-Salor-Almonte
- COOPRADO- Sociedad cooperativa limitada Nuestra Señora del Prado
- Federacio d'Agrupcions de Defensa Forestal de la Terra Alta
- Universidad de Extremadura
- AmaTerra