Efficient use and management of water in food processing Operational group The Foodservice Clusters and Catalan Water Partnership (CWP) Operational Group has assessed the water cycle within two subsectors of the Catalan food sector. The aim is to characterise opportunities to generate efficient solutions, promote innovative …
Industrial tomato footprint (GO Tomprint) Operational group This Operational Group was created with the aim of developing a computer application that reflects all the stages of the tomato production cycle in order to obtain the water footprint and the carbon footprint at the end of the campaign at all stages of …
Organic fertigation with alpechin treated by micro and nano tangential filtration (GO n-Alpechin) Operational group The Operational Group aims to obtain a product suitable for fertilization through fertigation from the alpechin. To do so, the following actions are carried out: Production of different ultra and nano filtration systems. Characterization as a fertilizer …
Valorization and utilization of by-products generated in the Extremadura agri-food sector through composting (GO Valorares) Operational group Valorization and utilization of by-products generated in the Extremadura agri-food sector through composting (GO Valorares) …
Sustainability of tobacco production over time in Extremadura (Tabaco Ambiente) Operational group Sustainability of tobacco production over time in Extremadura (Tabaco Ambiente) … Sustainability of tobacco production over time in Extremadura (Tabaco …
Comprehensive improvement of wastewater treatment in the olive oil industry (GO Inolex) Operational group Comprehensive improvement of wastewater treatment in the olive oil industry (GO Inolex) … Comprehensive improvement of wastewater treatment in the olive oil industry (GO …
Professionalization, knowledge transfer and innovation in the resin sector in Extremadura (GO Resinex) Operational group Professionalization, knowledge transfer and innovation in the resin sector in Extremadura (GO Resinex) … Professionalization, knowledge transfer and innovation in the resin sector in Extremadura (GO …
Technological platform for organic farming in Extremadura (GO Ptaeex) Operational group Technological platform for organic farming in Extremadura (GO Ptaeex) … Technological platform for organic farming in Extremadura (GO …
Improving the shelf life of organic fruit through the innovative practice of applying biocontrol agents (GO Goiaex) Operational group Improving the shelf life of organic fruit through the innovative practice of applying biocontrol agents (GO Goiaex) … Improving the shelf life of organic fruit through the innovative practice of applying biocontrol agents (GO …
Biomethanization and energy recovery of pig slurry with products from Almazara (GO Ecepa) Operational group Biomethanization and energy recovery of pig slurry with products from Almazara (GO Ecepa) … Biomethanization and energy recovery of pig slurry with products from Almazara (GO …
Innovative systems for better use of rainwater as an adaptation to climate change (GO Water and resilient livestock farming) Operational group Innovative systems for better use of rainwater as an adaptation to climate change (GO Water and resilient livestock farming) … Innovative systems for better use of rainwater as an adaptation to climate change (GO Water and resilient livestock …
Cost reduction through fertilizer management on cattle farms Operational group This Task Force seeks to reduce costs on cattle farms by improving the management of fertilizers on the farm and eliminating water pollution problems caused by poor planning and fertilization. The only way out for the Galician livestock sector to avoid …
Symbiotic cultivation of poutiga with yellow flora carpa for obtaining fruits and regenerating forests Operational group This Operational Group seeks to develop a project with the following objectives: designing family farms based on the symbiosis of carp and poutiga; taking advantage of burnt land and less productive land that is currently abandoned; contributing to the …
Organic cultivation of malting barley and its malting, intended for the production of craft beers (GO CEBAMALT) Operational group Organic cultivation of malting barley and its malting, intended for the production of craft beers (GO CEBAMALT) …