CAJAMAR Earth Platform Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative open innovation platform to promote sustainable land use and territorial management in Spain. … CAJAMAR Earth Platform …
Improving The Management Of Livestock Operations. Operational Groups And Innovative Projects Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through Rural Development Programs, operational groups and innovative projects that are working on issues of improvement in the management of livestock operations. … Improving The Management Of …
Improvements in the Management of Livestock Farms. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects on improvements in the management of livestock farms in Spain and Europe. … Improvements in the Management of Livestock Farms. Operational Groups and Innovative …
Evaluating the effects of grazing on vegetation for the purpose of forest fire preparedness and management determination Operational group Evaluating the effects of grazing on vegetation for the purpose of forest fire preparedness and management determination …
Organic pig production project in Galicia Operational group Organic pig production project in Galicia …
Remote-controlled livestock management in the Mougas mountain community Operational group Remote-controlled livestock management in the Mougas mountain community …
GO for the implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the enhancement of the environmental, social and economic benefits of the Iberian pig (GO Haz-IBÉRICO) Operational group Implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the enhancement of the environmental, social and economic benefits of the Iberian pig (GO Haz-IBÉRICO) … GO for the implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the …
Operational Group for the treatment of slurry using humification accelerators and gelling agents for agricultural applications (GO eco. Circular) Operational group This Operational Group is developing a circular economy project for the valorisation of slurry from intensive pig farms through humification and gelation (solidification) which will involve deodorisation, reduction of harmful gas emissions, better …
Task Force for the reduction of greenhouse gases in the pig sector (GO Reduction GEI) Operational group This Operational Group promotes the assessment, implementation and promotion of technological improvements that favour the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the operation of facilities and the subsequent use of slurry for organic fertilisation in …
Purines 4.0: registration of contributions and monitoring of use by crops (GO Purines 4.0) Operational group Slurry management is one of the major environmental challenges facing the Spanish agricultural sector. The exponential growth in the number of livestock leads to an increase in the generation of slurry that cannot be managed with a magic formula and …
Nutrient recovery and reuse in local crops for the development of the circular bioeconomy in local communities (GO Biokm0) Operational group The proposal of the BioKm0 GO is based on a well-identified problem in the autonomous communities of Aragon and Catalonia: the risk suffered by the coexistence of livestock and agricultural activities due to the problem of nitrate contamination caused by …
Animal welfare in pigs Training course With this course you will learn the regulations regarding pig welfare and their handling and breeding conditions, as well as the cleaning and disinfection protocols for facilities and vehicles. UNIT 1: WELL-BEING IN PIGS Chapter 1. Introduction Topic 1. …
XXI Conference on Animal Production Event Since 1985, the AIDA Animal Production Conference has become the reference forum in the Spanish-speaking world for the exchange of scientific and technical advances of interest among professionals and researchers in Animal Production. This 21st edition …
New webinar on the application of artificial intelligence in animal health Event The Subdirectorate General for Innovation and Digitalisation has organised a new webinar of the Observatory of the Digitalisation of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector . With this event, it resumes its series of webinars after the summer break, addressing key …