Evaluating the effects of grazing on vegetation for the purpose of forest fire preparedness and management determination
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2016
- Assigned Budget 598.049,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The general objective of this Operational Group is to increase knowledge of the effects of grazing on vegetation for the prevention of forest fires and to determine the most appropriate management to achieve a sustainable system.
The specific objectives established are the following:
- To quantify the effect of grazing on the dynamics of woody vegetation in terms of phytovolume, both globally and for each of the main species.
- Assess the impact of grazing carried out at different times of the year.
- Study the use of weeds and shrubs for each of the animal species used: cow, goat, sheep, horse and pig.
- Determine the most effective management and interventions for the recovery of herbaceous pastures.
- Evaluate the impact of livestock loading on sensitive areas such as peatlands, brañas and aquifer networks, to determine the appropriate management.
- Evaluate the effect of the intensification of extreme weather events on different livestock species (growth, fertility, abortions, etc.) to determine the appropriate management.
- Evaluate the incidence of wolf predation on different species and determine the appropriate management measures to reduce damage.
- Evaluate the quality of meat from different species obtained from pastures.
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