CAJAMAR Earth Platform Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative open innovation platform to promote sustainable land use and territorial management in Spain. … CAJAMAR Earth Platform …
AGRIFORVALUE Hubs, Platforms and networks Disseminate existing research and innovation results incl. Good practices to better exploit the results of research close to the market. Promoting the potential of bioeconomics Offer networks to join to exchange knowledge, experiences and information. …
Dossier of innovative elements for the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural holdings Multimedia content This Dossier of innovative elements for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural holdings shows some innovation possibilities so that whoever uses it can delve deeper into those that interest them the most based on their personal …
Fertilization. Operational Groups And Innovative Projects Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through the regional and national Rural Development Programmes, operational groups and innovative projects that are working on fertilisation issues. … Fertilization. Operational Groups And …
Fertilization. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in the field of fertilization in Spain and Europe. … Fertilization. Operational Groups and Innovative …
International Fair of Intensive Horticultural Production and Auxiliary Industry Event Infoagro Exhibition Spain 2023 is a Fair to show products and services to all agricultural agents. It is an international reference for intensive crops and the place to do business, both for the exhibitor and the farmer. IV Infoagro Spain Fair 2023 => …
Efficient use of different sources of organic matter in Mediterranean agriculture (GO Hortganic) Operational group Vegetables are a very important crop in the Spanish agricultural sector, with a production of 15 106 t and a value of almost €6,000 106 in 2014 (MAGRAMA, 2016). The areas with the highest production include Andalusia, Murcia and the Valencian Community. …
FRUIT LOGISTICA Event Feria líder en el comercio mundial de frutas: logística, maquinaria, tecnología, "organic rute" Información detallada => Programa … FRUIT …
Planning and management of the horticultural company Training course Production schedule. Planning of the work to be carried out. Purchase forecast. Crop rotation. Personnel management. Aimed at people who want to join the activity in the horticulture sector. Price:36€ … Planning and management of the horticultural …
Cost control in horticulture Training course Calculation of the initial investment, sizing according to needs, amortization of the investment, budgeting, cost estimates, monitoring, etc. PROGRAM | Garaiko Udaletxea - GARAY - BIZKAIA … Cost control in …
How to optimize irrigation and fertilization of tomato crops in a greenhouse Training course Webinar of the tools and results of the iGUESS-MED project of the PRIMA program financed by the EU for the sustainable management of irrigation and fertilization of greenhouse tomato cultivation based on the climatic information recorded in the greenhouse …
Compound patented by the CSIC and the UPV reduces the impact of drought and improves productivity in tomato plants News story The work, published in Horticulture Research , by a team from the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants, IBMCP (a joint centre of the CSIC and the UPV) has discovered how hexenyl butanoate (HB) acts, the aroma emitted by tomato plants to …
Basic organic horticulture Training course Theoretical-practical course with general training on the basic concepts necessary to start a horticultural company: plot preparation for planting, species and their management, planting or sowing, diseases and pests, control using agroecological …
How new technologies impact food production Event Meeting that explores new technologies in food production, highlighting collaboration between companies and technology centers to promote innovation and improve market competitiveness. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION … How new technologies impact food …