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The heterogeneity of Aragon makes it possible to find an important sample of Mediterranean and continental crops (dry and irrigated) distributed at different altitudes associated with a significant livestock sector, constituting, all of the above, a fundamental sector in the Aragonese economy with a Gross Added Value (GVA) of more than 2,100 million euros, which represents 5% of total production in Aragon (2.3% on average in Spain). This value is the third highest among the Autonomous Communities, representing 7% of the national GVA ( CESA, 2024. Report on the economic and social situation of Aragon 2023, Executive summary, 13 ).

Even with the added difficulty of a vast territory and a low population density similar to those of the most depopulated regions of the European Union, in the Community there is a system of institutions, companies, organizations and research centers that contribute to the development of the agricultural and agri-food sector and to the transfer of knowledge and innovations.

In the Aragonese knowledge and innovation system, five large groups of agents are identified, made up of public and private organisations and institutions that are part of the knowledge transfer scheme to the agri-food and forestry sector (AKIS ARAGON):

akis aragon

The image shows the knowledge transfer scheme to the agri-food and forestry sector (AKIS) of Aragon and its groups of public and private agents:

  • Actors supporting knowledge transfer.
  • Agents that generate knowledge.
  • Entities for knowledge transfer.
  • Agents dedicated to training.
  • Agents of the agri-food sector, livestock farmers, farmers, SMEs.

AKIS agents and interactions

Agents dedicated to knowledge generation

The generation of knowledge and development of scientific research falls on a set of public institutions that provide accommodation for doctoral research staff:

  • University of Zaragoza
  • Aragon Agri-Food Research and Technology Centre (CITA) : The Centre's mission is to generate quality scientific and technical information that is relevant to the private sector, public administrations and society in the areas of agri-food and the environment.
  • Centre for Innovation in Rural Bioeconomy of Teruel (CITAte) : It is a CITA headquarters in Teruel whose main purpose is to facilitate and promote research and innovation projects in bioeconomy and circular economy in the agri-food, forestry and environmental sectors.
  • Aragon Agri-Food Institute (IA2) : This is a UNIZAR-CITA Joint University Research Institute whose objective is to promote the cooperative aggregation and interaction of prestigious researchers to define multidisciplinary, more ambitious and global research projects with a national and international scope.
  • CSIC/Estación Experimental Aula DEI (EEAD) : The mission of the Station is to provide the agricultural sector with materials and technologies to increase its competitiveness and sustainability, based on knowledge of the processes involved in plant production.
  • CSIC/Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE) : This centre contributes to the understanding of the functioning and structure of terrestrial systems and the organisms that inhabit the Pyrenees.

Public sector agents

  • Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Food : This is the area of government that, organized into different general directorates and administrative services, is responsible for administering the powers of the Autonomous Community relating to the agricultural and agri-food sector.
  • Agri-Food Innovation and Transfer Service (SITA ): Attached to the General Directorate of Rural Development of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, it is the unit responsible for implementing the knowledge transfer, advice and cooperation measures contemplated in both the PDR 2014-2020 and the PEPAC 2023-2027.
  • Food Transfer Centre (CTA) : The centre carries out activities related to experimentation and transfer of new agri-food technologies, their promotion and dissemination, contributing to the training and capacity building of professionals in the agri-food sector.
  • Plant Health and Certification Service (CSCV) : Attached to the General Directorate of Food Quality and Safety, it is the technical unit responsible for managing the surveillance and control plans for plant pests and diseases, the marketing and use of phytosanitary products, technical advice to the production sector in matters of plant health, as well as the control of the production and certification processes of plant material for reproduction in Aragon and its trade.
  • Regional Agri-Food Offices (OCAs) : The offices are points of contact with the public where requests for information and advice on procedures and processes and on agri-food policy at the state and community level are received. They also inform the public and professionals in the agri-food sector about production guidelines, advances in agri-food research and technology and market developments.
  • Aragonese Society of Agro-Environmental Management (SARGA) : It is a public company focused on the agile and efficient provision of services to towns and natural areas.
  • Agro-environmental Laboratory : The laboratory carries out official controls of agri-food products at source and sanitary controls of livestock for both individuals and entities that request it.

Agents of the agri-food sector

  • Advisory entities : Created within the scope of intervention 7202_01 Advice of the PEPAC 2023-2027 and, for the most part, in operation with the implementation of Measure 02 of the PDR 2014-2020. Among the 13 advisory entities selected in 2023, they have more than 100 advisors recognized by the Government of Aragon and distributed throughout the territory of the Autonomous Community, transmitting knowledge to farmers and ranchers through direct contact with them.
  • Cooperatives agro-food Aragon : It is the organization that groups and defends the economic and social interests of the Aragonese agro-food cooperative movement.
  • Integrated Treatment Associations in Agriculture (ATRIAs) : These are organizations that aim to guarantee consumer safety, respect for the environment, the sustainable use of pesticides and the promotion of integrated management against pests in different crops.
  • Livestock Health Defense Associations (ADSG) : Associations aimed at raising the sanitary-zootechnical level of their farms by adopting a common health program for the same livestock species.
  • Professional Colleges of Agricultural Engineers , Agricultural Technicians and Veterinarians of Zaragoza , Huesca and Teruel .
  • Professional Agricultural Organizations (OPAs): Four professional organizations stand out: UAGA-COAG , ASAJA , UPA and ARAGA .
  • Association of Food Industries of Aragon (AIAA) : Association that represents food companies in Aragon, mainly SMEs.
  • Aragonese Food Cluster : Entity formed by 45 associates (including companies and research/technology centres and universities working in the food sector) which aims to promote innovation in the agri-food industries of Aragon.

Other agents

  • Leader Groups , Aragon Rural Development Program (2014 - 2020): these are regional groups that help channel aid and knowledge for the creation of small businesses linked to the agri-food and forestry sectors.
  • Agricultural advisory entities in force for the period 2023-2027
    • Oviaragón SCL. Mixed advisory area
    • Union of Farmers and Ranchers of Aragon (UAGA). Joint advisory area
    • Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers of Aragon (UPA). Joint advisory area
    • ASAJA Huesca. Mixed advisory area
    • The Monegros de Sariñena Cooperative Society. Mixed advisory area
    • Regional Association of Farmers and Ranchers of Aragon (ARAGA). Mixed advisory area
    • Cereales Teruel Cooperative Society. Mixed advisory area
    • Regional Association of Aragonese Rasa Sheep Breeders (ANGRA), Joint Advisory Area
    • United Regional Livestock Farm GUCO SC. Livestock advisory area
    • SC Comarcal del Campo Virgen de la Corona. Mixed advisory area
    • Arrocera del Pirineo SCL. Agricultural advisory area
    • SC Agraria Virgen de la Oliva. Mixed advisory area
    • SC Our Lady of the Pueyos. Agricultural advisory area
    • Cultivate Agricultural Solutions SL. Mixed advisory area
  • Aragonese Network for Rural Development
  • Aula Dei Scientific and Technological Park (PCTAD) : provides facilities and provides support services as a technological partner in any of the development phases of an R&D project.

Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS


The III Aragonese Plan for Research, Development and Innovation ( III PAIDi ) is the key tool to achieve the regional objectives related to R&D&i until 2027. These objectives are based on those reflected in the Smart and Sustainable Specialization Strategy (S3) of Aragon for the period 2021-2027, which highlights the importance of prioritizing efforts in scientific research and technological innovation, both in terms of the generation of knowledge and the progressive valorization of this knowledge to generate wealth, employment, well-being and respond to the needs of citizens as a whole.

The S3 Aragón 2021-2027 establishes priorities for business, technological and scientific activity on which to concentrate investments in research, development and innovation. It thus seeks to maximize the potential for generating added value and employment in the process of transforming the regional economy.

CAP 2023-2027

In the field of the common agricultural policy, Aragon allocates the following budget and actions to the three interventions most directly linked to AKIS:

  • 7161 (Cooperation of EIP operational groups): €16 million
  • 7201 (Knowledge sharing and information dissemination): €5.26 million

- Activities for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and information.
- Training activities.
- Awareness of forest fires.

  • 7202 (Consulting): €14.65 million

- Aid to help obtain advisory services.


The greatest link in terms of research and knowledge generation, and to a lesser extent in dissemination, is articulated through researchers at research centres. Knowledge transfer and dissemination to the sector are mainly carried out by centres such as the CSCV (Plant Health and Certification Centre) and the CTA, as well as the Agri-Food Innovation and Transfer Service. It is in these three institutions that the management of interventions linked to AKIS is centred. Forums, conferences and similar activities act as an instrument for raising resources and as a tool for disseminating and promoting research results.

The relationships between research institutions and the rest of the private agents in the system are relatively weak, largely because they have few technical teams that generate scientific knowledge. They generate scientific knowledge, but, in certain cases, it is not applicable or directly usable to solve the problems of the sector. On the other hand, the dissemination they carry out is usually very specialized in line with their research activity. However, joint participation in events, for example, in their participation in cooperation groups of the RDP, demonstrates a collaborative intention and reinforces the synergy with the agri-food sector.

The sector faces the challenge of revitalisation by generating synergies and applying financial, public and mixed efforts, established in collaboration agreements that materialise innovative projects for the development of the agricultural sector, compliance with agricultural policy and the needs of consumers, producers and processors.