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the Basque Country

In the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, agriculture and livestock are strategic sectors within the agri-food chain. In this context, the AKIS system of the Basque Country presents a large number of agents from the public and private sectors, supported by public policy actions such as the PAC Euskadi Manual 2023-2027 , the Viva Strategy for Innovation and Cooperation , the Euskadi Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2030 (PCTI 2030), the Strategic Plan for Gastronomy and Food of the Basque Country 2024 and the Official Control Plan for the Agri-Food Chain 2021-2025 .

Research and development activities are carried out within the university and specialised institutes supported by a distributed administrative structure under the “Law of Historical Territories” ( Law 27/1983 ). In turn, the technical and economic management centres integrate numerous producer associations in the Community, a situation that reinforces a highly structured and dynamic regional system.

akis p vasco

The image shows the groups of public and private agents of a regional AKIS and the relationships between them:

  • Agents that generate knowledge.
  • Public sector agents.
  • Agents dedicated to training.
  • Agents of the agri-food sector.
  • Advice.

AKIS agents and interactions

Agents dedicated to knowledge generation

  • University of the Basque Country ( UPV ).
  • NEIKER : Research center focused on agricultural, livestock, agri-food and environmental fields.
  • Basque Foundation for Food Safety (ELIKA ): Foundation whose mission is to achieve safer, healthier and more sustainable food in the Basque Country, facilitating collaboration between all agents in the Basque food ecosystem.
  • Basque Foundation for Rural, Coastal and Food Development ( HAZI ): Entity of the regional government responsible for coordinating and catalysing strategic projects to boost the competitiveness and sustainability of the food and forestry value chain, as well as revitalising the rural and coastal environment of the Basque Country.
  • AZTI Foundation /Technology Centre: Scientific and technological centre that develops high-impact transformation projects in the agricultural and agri-food sector.
  • Basque Culinare Center : Ecosystem in which training, innovation, research and entrepreneurship coexist with the aim of developing and promoting gastronomy.
  • Tecnalia Healthy Food : Applied research center focused on smart manufacturing, digital transformation, energy transition, sustainable mobility, personalized health, urban ecosystem and circular economy.
  • LEARTIKER Technology Center : Center focused on training and research in food and polymers.

Public sector agents

Agents dedicated to training

  • You can consult the Vocational Training Institutes and Centers in the Community by clicking here .
  • Agricultural Schools.

Agents of the agri-food sector

Other agents

  • Lursail SL .
  • Technical-economic management centres: ABELUR , AGA , LORRA , LURGINTZA and ABERE .
  • INNOBASQUE : The Basque observatory for innovation that monitors and evaluates Basque science, technology and innovation policies, helps SMEs to innovate and trains them in innovation.

Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS


The Euskadi 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (PCTI 2030) represents the Basque Country's strategic commitment to Research and Innovation. Its vision is to place the Basque Country among the most advanced European regions in innovation by 2030 in order to improve the standard of living and the quality of employment. It is a strategy shared by public institutions, companies, universities, research centres, technology centres and socio-economic agents.

The PCTI 2030 also reflects and represents the commitment of Basque society to a better future. Its aim is to promote science, technology and innovation to accelerate the transition towards a more digital, greener and more inclusive Basque Country.

Within its Axis 1 – Economic Reactivation, the Food Industry is included as one of its driving policies.

CAP 2023-2027

In the field of the common agricultural policy, the Basque Country allocates the following budget and actions to three of the interventions most directly linked to AKIS:

  • 7161 (Cooperation of EIP operational groups): €1.50 million. The type of operations is established based on their destination:
    • Creating added value by linking research and agricultural practices, as well as promoting the use of innovative measures.
    • Connecting innovation agents and projects.
    • Promote the rapid transposition of innovative solutions into practice.
    • Inform the scientific community of research needs in agricultural practice.
  • 7162 (Cooperation not related to EIP operational groups): €0.83 million.
  • 7201 (Training): €0.96 million.
    • Grants for vocational training and skills acquisition.
    • Support for demonstration and information activities.
    • Grants for short-term exchanges relating to the management of agricultural and forestry farms and rural businesses, as well as visits to agricultural and forestry farms and rural businesses.
    • Grants for the training of advisors.


Among the classic mechanisms of collaboration between agents of the system, conferences, events, seminars in which organizations, companies, associations and individuals participate, KATILU stands out, which is an instrument of the Vice-Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy of the Basque Government, in collaboration with Innobasque, Azti Tecnalia and public companies: ELIKA Foundation, HAZI and NEIKER TECNALIA, which aims to build, through action, an innovative culture and dynamic based on cooperation and lifelong learning in the agri-food sector and the rural and coastal environment in the Basque Country.

Dissemination translated into publications and collaborations between researchers in cooperation projects is another of the solid tools that contribute to the transfer of knowledge and, by extension, to the revitalization of the regional AKIS.