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Five Local Action Groups join forces to make their geoparks visible and support them

Publication date: 04/10/2022


Five Local Action Groups join forces to make visible and support their geoparks asimon Thu, 09/29/2022 - 11:44

  • The Local Action Group (GAL) of Subbética Cordobesa coordinates this national cooperation project
  • The actions include a joint marketing plan and the creation of a catalog of Good Practices

Five Local Action Groups join forces to make their geoparks visible and support them

The geological and geographical heritage of an area is always worthy of protection by the local population and its public and private administrations. In fact, the figure of “geoparks” was created to recognize and protect certain areas in Spain that are of special importance due to the remarkable nature of their spaces. Thanks to geoparks, these habitats can be expanded with tourism, economic and development projects around them.

Thus, the GAL of the Subbética Cordobesa coordinates a LEADER national cooperation project for the visibility and development of the geoparks of the six LEADER rural areas involved: the Local Action Group of Levante Almeriense and Almanzora —which operates in two LEADER zones— (Almería), Aprodervi (Cáceres), Montaña Palentina (Palencia) and Adeco-Camino (Burgos).

The project also involves developing a catalog of good practices in geoparks and creating an action protocol for cases of harassment during visits. All this will come to an end with a day of presentation of results.

“Geotourism” and marketing

The marketing plan aims to provide “greater visibility through the use of new technologies”, details the Program technician of the GAL of the Subbética Cordobesa, Carmen Pérez del Río. The teamwork of the GALs allows the geoparks to “have more visibility,” he says, “so that your networks expand and you are known in more places.”

Furthermore, it enables the involvement of the managing bodies and, above all, the people of the territory. “We want a marketing strategy that allows us to reach both the local and foreign population.”

The 'geotourism' product

“Geoparks and LEADER share the same point of view. The geopark is a sum of geological heritage and the inhabitants of the place and their economy,” he says. “An uninvolved citizenry would be an abandonment of the place.”

Therefore, the attention and information that visitors receive is essential, for which they propose promoting what they call “'geotourism' product” . In the same way that we talk about 'ecotourism'”, they want tourists to know about ' geotourism ' to increase their knowledge and respect for national geoparks.

LEADER financing

The project has a total budget of 260,542.46 euros , distributed as follows:

- Andalusia (90% of the EAFDER funds, 10% from the Junta de Andalucía): 53,626.95 euros from the GDR of the Subbética Cordobesa, 72,888.69 euros for the Almanzora region and the same amount for the Levante region Almeriense, both executed by the Levante Almeriense and Almanzora Development Group.

- Castilla y León (80% from EAFDER funds, 14% from the Junta de Castilla y León and 6% from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA)): 22,485.37 euros for each GAL, Adeco-Camino and Montaña Palentina .

- Extremadura (75% from EAFDER funds. 21.28% from the Government of Extremadura and 3.72% from MAPA): 16,115.71 euros for the execution of the project by Aprodervi.

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