CSIC fights misinformation about food and nutrition
CSIC fights misinformation about food and nutrition with activities for educational centers. Students will share content learned at the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition, ICTAN-CSIC, on social networks.
During the 2023-2024 academic year , the Institute of Food and Nutrition Science and Technology (ICTAN-CSIC) welcomes high school and vocational training students from the Community of Madrid to participate in the 'Scientists and Popularizers' project .
Students come to the CSIC centre to attend talks and workshops in which they can discover the latest scientific advances in food and nutrition and reflect on the misinformation surrounding these issues. Back at their educational centres, students are responsible for disseminating the knowledge they have acquired by organising science fairs and creating infographics and video clips for social media.
Marta Mesías and María Ángeles Martín, heads of the Scientific Culture Unit of ICTAN-CSIC , are the promoters of this initiative, which has the collaboration of professors from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid ( UCM ), as well as the scientific and technical staff of the center.
The project is supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology ( FECYT ) - Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and involves students from Colegio San Gabriel and the IES Renacimiento Secondary Education Institute .