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Hubs, Platforms and networks
It offers information about its activities, news and resources related to sustainable rural development in the Basque Country. … Association for the Progress of Rural Development …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
The Association of the Spanish CO2 Technology Platform (PTECO2) is an initiative promoted by the private sector, research centers and Spanish universities. It is partially financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and brings together …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Platform for dissemination of current affairs and challenges of the sector in Catalonia, connection between entities, promotion of projects … Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Platform for the promotion of synergies, exchange, collaboration and training between companies in the region and public entities. … …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) serves as a hub for the exchange of information on how rural development policies, programmes, projects and other initiatives work in practice and how they can be improved to achieve more. The ENRD is not …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Canarian Federation of Rural Development (FEDERCAN) …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
It offers detailed information about its programs and activities, as well as news and events related to rural development in the Castilla-La Mancha region. … Castellano-Manchega Network Federation of Rural Development …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Tool to disseminate information about its programs and activities, as well as to publicize news and events related to rural development in the production of extensive crops and legumes in Aragon … Aragonese Network of Extensive Crops and Legumes …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
It offers detailed information about its programs and activities, as well as news and events related to rural development in the Aragon region. In addition, the website has a news section, where news and events related to the rural area in Aragon are …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Tool to disseminate information about its programs and activities, as well as to publicize news and events related to rural development in Asturias. It also has a resources section, where you can find useful materials and guides for rural development in …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Tool to disseminate information about its programs and activities, as well as to publicize news and events related to rural development in Cantabria. It also has a resources section, where you can find useful materials and guides for rural development in …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Tool to disseminate information about its programs and activities, as well as to publicize news and events related to rural development in Extremadura. It also has a resources section, where you can find useful materials and guides for rural development …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
It offers detailed information about the network's objectives and activities, as well as news and events related to food safety. In addition, it provides access to different tools and resources, such as databases and scientific publications, to promote …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Ministerial information and advisory platform for the evaluation of sectoral and productive policies and strategies and the simulation of their impact at all levels … National Network of Typical Farms …
Hubs, Platforms and networks
Support service hub, which helps agricultural companies become more competitive by improving their business/production processes, as well as products and services through digital technology. … Digital Farming …