Webinar - AgriFoodTech Sector. Technologies, products and services for the digital transformation of the Spanish agri-food sector Multimedia content Presentation of the AgriFoodTech Sector Study. Technologies, products and services for the digital transformation of the Spanish agri-food sector. … Webinar - AgriFoodTech Sector. Technologies, products and services for the digital transformation of the …
Webinar - Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food sector Multimedia content Presentation of the Study Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food sector. … Webinar - Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food …
Observatory of the Digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector and its studies at DATAGRI 2023 Multimedia content Presentation of the Observatory of Digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector and its studies at DATAGRI 2023 (Forum for the promotion of digital transformation in the Agri-Food Sector) held in Logroño - La Rioja. … Observatory of the Digitalization of the …
Observatory of the Digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector and its studies at DATAGRI 2023 Multimedia content Presentation of the Observatory of Digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector and its studies at DATAGRI 2023 (Forum for the promotion of digital transformation in the Agri-Food Sector) held in Logroño - La Rioja. … Observatory of the Digitalization of the …
Diagnostic study and initial analysis of the observatory of the digitalization of the agri-food sector Multimedia content Presentation of the Diagnostic Study and analysis of the initial situation of the Observatory of the Digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Madrid). … Diagnostic study and initial …
Diagnostic study and initial analysis of the observatory of the digitalization of the agri-food sector Multimedia content Presentation of the Diagnostic Study and analysis of the initial situation of the Observatory of the Digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Madrid). … Diagnostic study and initial …
Contaláctea Tool Calculation platform for dairy farm costs in Galicia. Using duly completed data, it will calculate your production costs, as well as the price of the milk you must receive to cover all the costs of your farm. … …
Valorization of dairy waste through the development of bioactive packaging (GO ORLEAnS) Operational group GO ORLEAnS proposes to valorise a waste product, whey from the production of goat cheese, to develop bioactive packaging, by formulating a bioactive coating made from fermented whey. … Valorization of dairy waste through the development of bioactive …
Increase in organic matter, sustainable management of extensive systems in Spain (GO MOSOEX) Operational group Promote an innovative soil management model for extensive rainfed production systems, aimed at improving organic matter and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the 4 per thousand strategy. … Increase in organic matter, sustainable management …
Physical conversion of agricultural, agro-industrial and forestry biomass in the El Condado region Operational group Physical conversion of agricultural, agro-industrial and forestry biomass in the El Condado region …
Classification of olive oils for frying Operational group The contribution to the objectives of the European Innovation Partnership within the agri-food sector responds to creating added value through a relationship between research, quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles. … Classification of olive oils for …
Application of data analytic techniques for predicting production in olive groves Operational group Application of DATA ANALYTICS techniques for predicting production in olive groves … Application of data analytic techniques for predicting production in olive …
Using olive by-products in ruminant diets to boost the olive and livestock economy Operational group The shortage of pastures in Andalusia and the high price of conventional feed for livestock means that livestock systems are becoming less and less competitive. Alleviating the economic crisis in the sector requires the availability of non-conventional …
Development of dairy products such as ice cream and yogurt derived from goat milk Operational group DCOOP, the first Andalusian animal feed cooperative, aims to increase the competitiveness of agri-food companies through innovation. Its main lines of research are: primary production, product improvement and process development and application of …
INLAC. INTERPROFESSIONAL DAIRY ORGANIZATION Hubs, Platforms and networks INLAC represents the common interests of the dairy sector chain of cow, sheep and goat and constitutes the stable forum for discussion between all agents in the dairy chain. … INLAC. INTERPROFESSIONAL DAIRY …