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Calculation of the carbon footprint and the water footprint

Start date: 03/10/2023
Ending date: 05/10/2023
Modality: Online



The agri-food system is one of the main sectors responsible for environmental degradation. Today, it is the largest user of freshwater globally: agriculture accounts for 70% of the world's extracted freshwater. The food system is also responsible for between 21% and 37% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

The water footprint and the carbon footprint are indicators of sustainability, fundamental for caring for the environment and the search for more efficient management of natural resources. If greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint) and water use (water footprint) are analyzed together, more realistic sustainability conclusions are reached.

The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that measures the total net emissions of greenhouse gases produced, directly or indirectly, by an individual, a country, a product, etc. It is expressed in mass of CO2 equivalent. Carbon emissions constitute a threat to sustainability and deteriorate the environment. Measuring the carbon footprint of an activity, company or product allows us to identify ways and opportunities to reduce greenhouse gases and develop more appropriate management models and plans to reduce CO2 emissions.

Water is a limited resource that must be taken care of, its extraction and management also has an impact on CO2 emissions due to the energy required for the treatment and distribution of water. The water footprint measures the volume of fresh water used to produce goods and services. This calculation allows us to know the volume of water consumed, the volume of real losses and the most influential factors on the result, in order to work on leak detection. , identify opportunities for improvement, make efficient decisions about potential environmental impacts related to water management and be able to reduce it, and promote responsible consumption.


Agricultural engineers, master's in agronomic engineering, agricultural technical engineers, degree in agri-food and rural engineering, as well as master's degrees and degrees related to agronomic engineering and professionals in the field of engineering


Methodology for calculating the carbon footprint and the water footprint. Practical cases sustainable management models


Module 1. Water footprint

  1. Water footprint concept
  2. Water footprint assessment

2.1. Water footprint assessment manual

2.2. International Standard ISO14046 Water footprint

  1. Application examples

3.1. Water footprint of a product

3.2. Water footprint of a consumer or group of consumers

3.3. Water footprint of a geographically delimited area

3.4. Water footprint of an organization

  1. Evaluation of acquired knowledge
  2. questions and answers session

Module 2. Carbon footprint

  1. Carbon footprint concept
  2. Carbon footprint assessment

2.1. Product carbon footprint

2.2. Carbon footprint of an organization

  1. Application examples

3.1. Carbon Sequestration and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Conservation Agriculture. Case studies of the LIFE Agromitiga project.

3.2. Organic C stabilization module in irrigated soils

  1. Evaluation of acquired knowledge
  2. questions and answers session


Online via videoconference


It is necessary to attend 75% of the sessions and pass an evaluation at the end of the course to obtain certification


Official College of Agricultural Engineers of Aragon, Navarra and the Basque Country


€50 Members of COIAANPV, COITA and other Schools with an agreement.

€40 unemployed COIAANPV and COITA-Aragón students1 and registered students2

€100 Non-college members

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