TIC4BIO Operational Group - Increase the competitiveness of the Andalusian organic agri-food sector through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to optimize work, facilitate decision-making regarding the efficient use of water and improve the biodiversity of farms, in total accordance with the objectives of the European Green Deal
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2020
- Assigned Budget 290.983,34 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website TIC4BIO
Innovative project that will increase the competitiveness of organic companies (farms and agri-food industries) thanks to the creation of an ICT tool that will facilitate decision-making both for efficient use of irrigation water and water used in agro-industry, and for calculating the degree of biodiversity on the farm and being able to improve it, responding to the environmental and natural resource conservation concerns of the most demanding market.
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations, the European Commission published the European Green Deal in December 2019. The main objective of this Deal is to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, thus placing the environment at the centre of all European policies. As a result of this European Green Deal, two strategies directly linked to this project were published in May 2020. On the one hand, the Farm to Fork Strategy and, on the other, the Biodiversity Strategy. Both share the objective of increasing the useful agricultural area of organic production in the EU by more than 25% by 2030.
Experts say that organic farming is the agriculture of the future, a system of agricultural management and food production that combines the best practices in terms of environment and climate, a high level of biodiversity, the conservation of natural resources and the application of strict standards on animal welfare and production that respond to the demand expressed by a growing number of consumers.
The European Commission has also established that organic production is the sustainable agriculture of the future and, as such, it must lead by example.
On the other hand, the most demanding consumers are increasingly showing their interest in respecting the environment and preserving natural resources. It is well known that today, the loss of biodiversity is one of the most important environmental problems worldwide, and in climates such as the Mediterranean, water scarcity is an increasingly worrying issue.
Organic production establishes in its own standard, as principles, respect for natural systems and cycles and the maintenance and improvement of the state of soil, water and air, the health of plants and animals, and the balance between them, the responsible use of resources such as water and not only the conservation of biodiversity, but also the contribution to a high degree of it.
This innovative project will increase the competitiveness of organic companies (farms and agri-food industries) thanks to the creation of an ICT tool that will facilitate decision-making both for efficient use of irrigation water and water used in agro-industry, and for calculating the degree of biodiversity on the farm and being able to improve it, responding to the environmental and natural resource conservation concerns of the most demanding market.
To this end, the tool will be developed, implemented and fine-tuned in the pilot experience, before being opened for use by interested companies. To ensure optimal management of water and biodiversity resources, it will be based on information captured by local and remote sensors, transmitted and processed by ICTs.
- The main objective of this project is to increase the competitiveness of the Andalusian organic agri-food sector through the use of information and communication technologies, ICTs, which will allow work to be optimized, promote decision-making regarding the efficient use of water and improve biodiversity on farms given their maximum environmental relevance, in full accordance with the objectives of the European Green Deal.
- Specific objectives:
- Develop an ICT tool that facilitates the introduction of environmental improvements in organic agro-industrial farms, as well as the optimal management of water resources.
For this purpose, the following has been planned:- Maintain and improve the ICT tools created in the GO Huella del Agua in the Andalusian organic sector for the efficient use of irrigation water in olive, citrus, berry and greenhouse vegetable farms and calculation of the Water Footprint of crops.
- Include in the new ICT tool procedures for efficient water management in oil mills that could be adapted in the future to other types of agri-food industries, as well as obtain the calculation of the water footprint of the product obtained.
- Include in the new ICT tool the evaluation of biodiversity in agricultural farms and offer a range of resources to increase biodiversity to higher levels.
- Maintain and improve the ICT tools created in the GO Huella del Agua in the Andalusian organic sector for the efficient use of irrigation water in olive, citrus, berry and greenhouse vegetable farms and calculation of the Water Footprint of crops.
- Implement and fine-tune the ICT tool in a pilot farm.
For this purpose, the following has been planned:- Evaluate the applicability of the tool in commercial farms (crop and industry).
- Calculate the water footprints of crops and industrial production after using the tool.
- Conduct a comparative analysis of the costs of achieving a high level of biodiversity on farms, to the detriment of the need to use inputs (fertilizers and phytosanitary products), for the design of interannual plans to improve biodiversity.
- Evaluate the applicability of the tool in commercial farms (crop and industry).
- Develop an ICT tool that facilitates the introduction of environmental improvements in organic agro-industrial farms, as well as the optimal management of water resources.
The expected result of the project is the provision of a versatile and intuitive computer tool that supports the organic operator in the management of its water resources (crop and/or agro-industry), as well as in improving the biodiversity of its farm.
- Ecovalia
- Universidad de Córdoba
- TIC4BIO: Technological innovation for ecological and sustainable agriculture
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- TIC4BIO: field visit with journalists
- TIC4BIO. Water optimization in industry
- TIC4BIO: Knowledge transfer to professionals in the organic sector
- TIC4BIO and the efficient use of water in organic farms
- TIC4BIO participates in the European Congress of organic production
- Video news | TIC4BIO Operational Group Launch Meeting