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GO PRERIVID: Predicting vineyard water needs for sustainable use of irrigation water

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Status In progress
  • Execution 2024 -2027
  • Scope Supraautonómico
  • Autonomous community Castilla y León; Comunitat Valenciana; Galicia
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2023-2027

PRERIVID aims to develop a vineyard irrigation management tool that allows predicting requirements based on meteorological data, soil humidity and local weather forecasts. The aim is to determine water needs, develop a prediction model and an irrigation management tool, evaluate the impact of agronomic techniques, use new digital tools to assess water stress and transfer results to the sector.


The project focuses on predicting the water needs of vineyards based on meteorological data and the development of calculation and prediction models and knowledge of the economic impact of irrigation and crop management practices.

Description of activities

The project activities are:

  • Vineyard water needs calculation model and estimation of requirements for 7 days.
    • Definition of study areas
    • Zoning plots
    • Soil Exploration and Analysis
    • Adaptation and evaluation of irrigation systems
    • Sensor data integration
    • Measures soil water content and stem water potential
    • Plant load adjustment
    • Phenology monitoring
    • Canopy and vegetation cover characterization
    • Agronomic practices
    • Determination of leaf surface
    • Maturation monitoring
    • Evaluation of production per plant and pruning wood and shoots
    • Adjustment of kc from field measurements
    • Modeling water needs and estimating water requirements
  • 7-day prediction model of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (Kc) for each phenological state, for different soil types and different wine-growing areas
    • Field data modelling
    • Development of a 7-day ETo and KC prediction model
  • Irrigation management tool that allows determining the current water needs of the vineyard and estimating future irrigation requirements.
    • Database and platform configuration
    • Implementation of visualization of water needs and Kc
  • Management of agronomic techniques that affect the water status of the vineyard. A. Vegetative cover. B. Kaolin use strategy.
    • Definition of study areas
    • Zoning
    • Soil Exploration and Analysis
    • Planting of ground cover
    • Soil water content and stem water potential measurements
    • Plant load adjustment
    • Phenology monitoring
    • Canopy and vegetation cover characterization
    • Agronomic practices
    • Determination of external leaf surface
    • Maturation monitoring
    • Evaluation of production per plant, of pruning wood and shoots, and of dry matter from plant cover
    • Evaluation of kaolin application and its possible residues.
  • Effects on grape quality of the treatments studied. A. Effect of irrigation strategies on grape quality. B. Effect of kaolin application on grape composition. C. Effect of soil cover management on grape composition.
    • Physicochemical and qualitative analysis of grapes and must
    • Winemaking and quality assessment
    • Analysis of grape quality and volatile composition
  • Prediction of water stress and nutritional quality of the vineyard using NIR spectroscopy.
    • Sampling
    • NIR Implementation
    • Leaf analysis using NIR
    • Correlation of NIR measurements
  • Economic impact of irrigation and crop management practices (kaolin and mulch) on vineyard management
    • Data collection. Consumption, energy, materials, personnel
    • Economic analysis
Contextual description

In a context of climate change, where an increase in temperature is expected, as well as an erratic distribution of rainfall, both in quantity and timing, it is increasingly necessary to have tools that help winegrowers to efficiently plan irrigation, and therefore the scarce water resources available. Deficit irrigation strategies, using more efficient irrigation systems, such as localized irrigation, are the current starting point for irrigation management in the vineyard, requiring the inclusion of new factors that take into account the complexity of the current climate situation, and the pressure exerted on water resources in our country.

The report 'Impacts and risks derived from climate change in Spain' identifies the main impacts of climate change on agriculture as the increase in water stress, phenological changes associated with the shifting of the seasons and damage from heat and extreme events, putting production at risk. In addition, the study has identified a set of 73 risks, classified according to their urgency. Among those classified as most urgent are several that highlight the need for the wine sector to address projects such as PRERIVID: • Risk of reduction in river flows or changes in their seasonal patterns. • Risk of reduction in the availability of water resources for agricultural and industrial uses. • Risk of increased eutrophication and/or deterioration of water quality. • Risk of increase in the surface area of arid and semi-arid areas due to desertification. • Risks arising from changes in the phenology of plant species (leaf emergence and fruiting) that may cause a decoupling of the biological cycles of interdependent species, including animal species. • Risk of increased impacts on crop cycles and modification/reduction in production as a result of changes in the seasonality of horticultural activity. • Risk of decreased yield of herbaceous species, especially irrigated ones, due to irrigation limitations. • Risk of loss of farms due to production losses and increased prices of inputs.


PRERIVID aims to develop a vineyard irrigation management tool that allows predicting irrigation requirements based on meteorological data, soil moisture and local weather forecasts. The aim is to determine water needs, develop a prediction model and an irrigation management tool, evaluate the impact of agronomic techniques, use new digital tools to assess water stress and transfer results to the sector.

  1. Vineyard water needs calculation model and estimation of requirements for 7 days.
  2. 7-day prediction model of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (Kc) for each phenological state, for different soil types and different wine-growing areas.
  3. Irrigation management tool that allows determining the current water needs of the vineyard and estimating future irrigation requirements.
Contact information
  • Coordinator name: Galician University Business Foundation (FEUGA)
  • Postal address: R/Lope Gómez de Marzoa S/N - Campus Vida, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña
  • Coordinator email:
  • Phone: +34 981534180
  • Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)
  • Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)